Coincidentally friends?

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I talked to my mom today and she said since me and Jah are young first time parents we should go to a class, I don't think I need one since I already know how to take care of a child. I'm not the last born so I took care of the whoever was after me. I'm going to learn from all the negatives my parents taught me and be different. I won't be absent like my dad and I'll always have time for my kid unlike my mom. No disrespect to her because I know the reason why but I'll make sure to never do this. Jah has work today but he's going in later. He has become closer to Karla which means they spend every lunch together. Im starting to think they schedule their day so they'll work the same shift and have lunch together.

But I'm a 'changed man' so that's not an issue. (I'll keep an eye on them)

It's now 10:30 and Jah's about to leave, he has to be at work for 11 so he leaves at 10:40. I haven't been working so I'm home all day sometimes. It's not depressing or anything but I do which I had a friend who could stay with me all day till Jah gets back. Curls currently works out the state now so he's very busy. I'm happy he got so popular he's promoting for the out the state. I don't speak to Skoopa anymore. Before we'd message here and there but now we don't speak period. Jah doesn't like him so I try to not entertain too much conversations with him but it was nice having a friend I could talk with everyday when Jah's gone.

It's not 1:17 and I'm getting ready to head out. I don't know where I'm going but I just wanted some fresh air. Being in the house so much is kinda draining me. When I'm finished ready I go outside and see my Uber ready. I get in and we travel to a small cafe near the area. Where me and Jah lives is far better than where I lived but far worst than where he lived. So while I stepped up he stepped down. "Hey. Welcome, what can I get for you" the lady asked me. I answered saying my order remembering that I wasn't allowed coffee. I sat at the counter with my order when a lady with 2 children walked in. One was a toddler no older than 3 and the other a baby in arms.

I watched as she struggled to hold the car seat while having the baby in her arms and a bag on her other shoulder. I watched as someone opened the door for her. I don't know what got into me, because I'm never like this but I started crying and got up to go in her direction. She watched me probably wondering what the fuck I was doing. I grabbed her hand and just started speaking. "Girl you're doing an excellent job. But I'll help you". I held the car seat as she looked at me with gratitude. "Thank you so much baby. I literally can't do anything with these 2". This made her start to cry.

After we sat and cried like 2 idiots we looked around and saw that both the kids were now sleeping. She got up and walked over to the counter after handing the baby over to me. I just looked at her and smiled. I can't wait to get my baby. I thought to myself. As she came back she asked me my name and we got acquainted. She told me her story while I told her mine. She cracked a joke which I think is real. She said God works in mysterious ways. She wasn't planning to come to this cafe today because she didn't want to travel alone with the 2 kids but her mother randomly got called in and she couldn't go to the cafe for her. She was still going to not come but electricity in her apartment started tripping so she decided to just bite the bullet.

"Same for me to be honest, I'm literally so glad I met you bitch." I laughed as I said it. The kids haven't woken up as yet. We continued laughing and talking until Jah called me. "Heyy" "where you at baby? You ain't tell me you leaving today." "Oo my bad, I went to the cafe and met a new friend and literally got so distracted."

I switch to a FaceTime call and showed him my friend and her kids. He laughed at my smile then waved to her as she waved back. I watched as they also interacted. "You have the best boyfriend" she said to Jah. "Wish he was straight so I could have him instead." She joked. "I ain't fully gay so you might still got a chance" I joked and watched as they both laughed. Jah's laugh was different and followed with the words "the way I'm fucking you makes you fully gay. Ain't no pussy finna appeal to you no more. That pleasure gone." I looked at him with my mother ajar. As my friend started to laugh like there was no one else here, followed by Jah laughing as well.

We left the cafe and decided to meet up another time. Or even anytime she feels overwhelmed on her own she could call me and we can hang, I'll even help watch the kids. As I got home I saw Jah sitting on the couch. "I like her for you" he said to me. "Whatchu mean? I thought you don't get jealous of nobody especially women.... Since you 'fucking me so good pussy can't bring me pleasure?' Huh" he laughed. "Kai I meant as a friend, I like her for you as your friend. I know you ain't want no pussy" he said grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him to the couch, making me stand between his opened legs.

"I don't want no female pussy either, I want this pussy" he said gripping my ass making me giggle a little. As we settled I told him of how me and Amber met, he just smiled and nodded but I wouldn't shut up because it was just so good of a story, I told him about our future plans and how much I liked her, I showed him the kids. Everything


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(Amber) 23

I messaged Amber to make sure she got home safe and asked her when she wanted to meet again. She told me literally tomorrow. I heart the message and closed the thread. I turned the tv in our room on and watched tv as Jah watched shxtsngigs.

As I was drifting I thought about what my mom said some more, after meeting with Amber and seeing really how hard it is to be a young parent I think I may talk to Jah about us attending a class. While Amber is a single parent of 2 kids there will be times when Jah has to work or I have to work leaving one of us with the kids by ourself. And although 2 kids would be much harder than 1 we still need to know how to take care of the lil kid.

I'll talk to him about it tomorrow when I wake up. I'm glad I have a new friend though, and she's a parent so she'll be more understanding. Love this for me. Hopefully Jah can make new friends too. His aren't bad but they messed around, got a kid together and now are back to not speaking outside of their kid. Which places Jah in a difficult position. I can't wait for my man to get him a lil friend.

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