Never Again..... Maybe

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I looked back to see Kai standing by the last step. Ray must've heard because she turned around wiping her tears. "Sorry I didn't know you had company" "it's fine, he's just getting a little breakfast then he'll head upstairs". He looked at me sadly but I mouthed a sorry.

Because of what we did yesterday I know he may be a little emotional and want my attention but right now Ray needs it because she's really stressed. Ray just found out she's pregnant, it's obviously Dilon's. She doesn't mind keeping it but she's scared to tell him, she knows it'll ruin the friend-group's dynamic.

Kai came and sat with us, rubbing Ray's back. 'What happened to her?' He mouthed to me. I whispered a she's pregnant and the look he gave me was one of pure shock. Almost like he thought she was a man and couldn't get pregnant then his face gave one of realization, probably now remembering she is a she. Then his was of horror. Realizing Dillon is probably the father.

Ray is laying on the couch sleeping while Kai is making some food in my kitchen, I'm just chilling watching Ray sleep. I don't know what it is but I know it's just been a couple hours but Kai is really acting like a good lil house hubby. If I knew making him nut quick would've had him like this I would've tried long ago.

We're all eating at the table, Ray is ready to tell Dillon but she wants all of us here. I took back what I said about Kai. He's actually worst now than before, if I'm sitting he wants to sit on me, if I'm standing he wants to stand by me, if I'm smiling he ask what I'm smiling at so he can smile. We all have the same meal but he wants to eat from mine. I'm not complaining but Ray is here pregnant from our friend who doesn't want her romantically, I really don't want to rub it in her face how a relationship looks. Kai doesn't care. I look up and as expected Kai's smiling at me. I just shake my head and smile back.


Dillon's here at my house, Ray and him are in the kitchen talking. Kai is on me. I had a talk with him about why he's so touchy feely. It didn't go well. I had to apologize right away and make sure I love on him. You would think that this isn't the same day but it is. I think it's because I fingered him, but can someone switch this fast?


"Kai I love that you're being like this but we should probably tone it down so Ray doesn't feel left out" "so you don't want me to touch you no more? Fuck you" "no that's definitely not what I'm saying, let's just wait till she's gone" "nah nigga if you don't want me to touch you I won't. I ain't no lil clingy bitch. I be doing this to bitches, I know what a nigga mean when he say tone it down" I kissed my teeth, he mugged me getting up to leave. "Wait! I didn't mean it like that Kaishawn" "don't call me that bitch" "c'mere" I grabbed his hand. He pushed my hand off him and I saw tears in his eyes. They weren't falling. I'm still in shock as how he changed so fast. "I'm sorry if I'm making you feel a way, I like clingy bitches baby" " so now you like bitches too" "no" I laughed, I'm clearly bad at this but it's only because it's surprising me. He just looked at me with a sad, angry face. I don't even know how. "Look, I want you all up on me, but right now the man Ray's having a baby from doesn't want her. It's going to be hard for her to watch us and not feel a way" he looked at me "I don't care, I let you finger me, I'm going to touch you whenever the fuck I want." I laughed and grab his arm placing him on me. We've been laying here ever since.



Ray is gone thankfully. I have nothing against her but I'm glad I have Jah to myself now. I've been thinking that I won't let him do what he did to me again because he made me feel really embarrassed? insecure? I don't know but what I do know is for some reason I just want to be on him and with him. I want to be in his skin.

I know he's probably wondering why I'm like this. I think it's because I've never had no one devote their time for only me, and I want to keep it that way. I know it's probably annoying him because it's only been couple hours, imagine a day or two from now. After we did it I've been telling myself never again but I want it again and he won't give me because he thinks I'm not ready yet, but I am.

"I am ready jah" I whined. "Kai you aren't, you just think you're ready because you're horny but you ain't ever ready for this dick" "jah why won't you just give it to me? Is there someone else?" I looked at him sad, because if my girl was offering to take my dick I wouldn't be complaining i'd definitely give in. Only way I wasn't giving in is if there's someone else better to wet my dick. But I like the attention he's giving me, I hope there's no one better or no one at all. I'd have to kill them. "C'mere lemme suck you up" he said to me. I jumped at the idea and sat right next to him getting shy for some reason.

He  sucked my soul to the heavens. I think my dick may never work for another person again after what he did. He's rubbing my back as I lay on him. Slowly drifting to sleep. I've not been spending time with no one other than him. It's because he's the only one who gives me all the attention I want. Living with a single mother who has 5 kids and a job it's hard for her to set time to spend with all of us individually. So Jah is really the only person who's giving me anything I want. And I just want attention. He's begging for my attention and that's what I want, someone who gives me all their attention. Not in a crazy way but I sometimes I just need someone who's only there for me and no one else.
So my never again turned into a maybe again.

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