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Title: When I Met You

Author: Claudia Nguyen

Categories: Romance, Fluff, Showbiz, 1x1, Longfic, HE,...

Pairing: Huo Xiu x Cheng Ying Ji

Rating: 16+

Update Time: Weekly on Wednesday, Saturday

Please note: This story setting is based on Chinese showbiz. So many terms related to showbiz in this story might differ slightly from Western culture.

All the characters' names, places, etc., have been translated into official English names so it's easier for your guys to read!

This is an original novel, not a translated one!


Cheng (骋 – Chěng) Ying Ji is not a mainstream actress. She was originally an idol who debuted solo and was famous with a huge fan base, so she was classified as an influenced actress when she started her acting career. However within the last two years of efforts, Cheng Ying Ji gradually transformed her public image to become a mainstream actress, so she appeared in many different movies.

However, because she doesn't have any work that leaves a good impression, no one takes her seriously when she says she wants to be an actress. Ying Ji is not worried about her public image and acting career, but her fans are worried.

It's already difficult for their idol to transform her image, now she keeps getting into love scandals with all the male celebrities that she collaborated with. But when the fandom realized that the man who was thought to be Ying Ji's lover was her real brother, they were relieved.

Just after breathing a sigh of relief and making peace with fans of Best Actor Cheng (乘 – Chéng) Jing, suddenly Ying Ji involved in dating rumors with another Best Actor, Huo Xiu?

A Ying, please stop giving your fans a hard time!!!! We can't continue to fight and protect your image like this!!!

Cheng Ying Ji feels unjust! She seriously works hard on filming, doing game shows, and holding concerts. She is overworked herself so how can she have the time to date anyone?!?!?!


Cheng Jing: "You're not courting my sister, are you?"

Xiu: "I am..."

Cheng Jing: "Hey, let me tell you... Wait, did you just admit that you ARE courting my sister???"

Xiu: "Yeah, I'm courting her."

Only later when Huo Xiu and Cheng Ying Ji made a public statement about their relationship did Cheng Jing lament: "Finally, I don't have to eat these two's dog food(***) alone anymore!!!"

(*) There are 2 types of actors in this story. Mainstream actors – the ones who are truly famous for their acting skill and their films get good reviews from experts. Influenced actors – they're bad at acting but have a large number of fans to support them so their films have high views but not good reviews.

(**) A Ying/Xiao Ying: are both Cheng Ying Ji's nicknames.

(***) Dog food: also known as gǒuliáng – a Chinese internet slang. It means public display of affection (PDA).

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