Chapter 6: Mysterious Guest (1)

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Cheng Ying Ji filmed the MV with Yang Yi quickly. It only took them one day to finish. This progress surprised both of their teams. Because they thought that the request to dance in the MV would cause Cheng Ying Ji problems. She was busy and didn't have time to practice or learn any dancing, so when she arrived at the studio, a dance teacher directly instructed her and then filmed the MV. Who would have thought that Cheng Ying Ji really knew how to dance. She practiced it once with Yang Yi, and then filming was almost done in one take.

Cheng Ying Ji's appearance is beautiful, looking like a fairy descending to earth in a white evening gown. Her long black hair was styled elaborately, and her beautiful, flawless face was lightly made up. During the final scene when the female lead drank poison and committed suicide in the male lead's lap, everyone in the crew couldn't help but sob.

The MV has no dialogue, mainly focusing on facial acting, body gestures, and eyes. Cheng Ying Ji played well, easily immersing herself in the character, so when the director saw the MV shoots, he couldn't help but praise her.

Because the MV filming speed was fast, they began to arrange a time to record the song. Cheng Ying Ji and Yang Yi are professional singers, and it only took half a day to complete the arrangement of the new song on Yang Yi's album. After working together, Yang Yi knew that Cheng Ying Ji was a monster in the music industry. Her productivity is so high. She is serious, quick to learn, and flexible to change, so the recording is extremely smooth.

Yang Yi's manager stood on the side listening to Cheng Ying Ji's recording and had to admire her voice. Her voice was suitable for singing love songs. She sang this song with pain and love imbued with suffering. It's heartbreaking.

However, the consequence of being too productive is that Cheng Ying Ji gets tired easily. Jing Dian followed his artist and was worried. Cheng Ying Ji's recent tour had more than twenty shows, lasting only one and a half months. Basically, Cheng Ying Ji has no time to rest, she has been working non-stop recently, and her body is getting thinner. Yet in the new year, her schedule only increases.

Jing Dian still wants to negotiate with the company to let Cheng Ying Ji rest for a while, but the signed advertising contracts cannot be abandoned. Before filming episode 2 of "Run! Fight!", Cheng Ying Ji also had to film three commercials in one day. She couldn't even breathe, so the move wasn't finished yet. Cheng Ying Ji is currently moving through filming locations, so she still rests at the hotel for convenience.

Looks like she might have to finish filming "Run! Fight!" episode 2, and then she can move to her new apartment. And for this episode 2, she heard there will be a special guest coming as well. Who the guest is, the entire group of 5 fixed guests does not know. No news was leaked to them.

But Cheng Ying Ji was the first one to know the identity of the guest intentionally. When she flew to province A to record for a commercial, she sat on the same plane as the guest.

And this guest is none other than actor Huo Xiu. She doesn't know how much money this show spent to invite him, it's truly remarkable.

But strictly speaking, at first, Cheng Ying Ji didn't know that she was on the same flight as Huo Xiu. The flight time from the capital to City A was not long, but the team still booked a business-class ticket for her so Cheng Ying Ji could get some sleep. The seats of business class passengers are especially comfortable and spacious, with separate spaces so she doesn't pay attention to the people around her.

Cheng Ying Ji has had a continuous schedule these past few days, so if she can, she tries to get some sleep. Cheng Ying Ji hugged her little bunny backpack and slept on the plane. Because sleeping was not too comfortable, Cheng Ying Ji slept with her head tilted to both sides. Huo Xiu was now sitting next to her, a walk away from her. When he saw her, he quietly walked over and sat next to her, carefully letting Cheng Ying Ji's head rest on his shoulder. As expected, she slept much more comfortably.

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