Chapter 10 - Episode 1 Airs (1)

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Cheng Ying Ji remembered "Run! Fight!" episode 1 was about to broadcast, so she went online to share the game show promotional post. She also posted a status to Lapine.

Xiao Ying: "Everyone, when watching, remember... prepare yourself mentally! Ghosts are not scary, but teammates are terrifying."

As soon as Cheng Ying Ji posted the status, there were countless comments from fans below.

[ Ah, Xiao Ying posted status! I miss you so much, my daughter. Why aren't posting any selfies? TTvTT ]

[ Haha, A Ying don't worry, moms and sisters have anti-ghost magic tools here, we won't get scared!!! ]

[ Did you guys see her saying that her teammate is terrifying? Haha, maybe our A Ying was scared by her teammate? ]

Browsing through fans' comments a bit, Cheng Ying Ji saw someone re-sharing her post. It's Lin Ying. He shared it and didn't forget to include the caption: [ That's right, I was just a little afraid of ghosts, but when I met my teammates, I was so scared. ]

Cheng Ying Ji was amused and quickly went to Lin Ying's shared post to interact.

Xiao Anh: "Poor you, Xiao Lin."

Lin Ying: "Fate has arranged for me to carry the burden of the team!"

Qi Zi Yan also saw the two people interacting, he commented under Lin Ying's post: "Hey guys, don't bully me!"

Cheng Ying Ji threw the man a scornful meme she picked up from Cheng Jing, Lin Ying also threw the guy a contemptuous meme.

The news of how good the relationship of "Run! Fight!" guests is quickly appeared on the hotsearch. Cheng Ying Ji and Qi Zi Yan were originally the two most popular idols in the current Four Great Singers. This time, the fact that they both participated in the same game show caused a lot of turmoil online. Now seeing the cute interactions from the guests, fans recognize their relationship and are especially looking forward to the broadcast.

But there is still a part of only fans who don't like this very much. Usually, famous artists are very reluctant to appear with celebrities of the opposite sex, afraid of getting involved in dating rumors. On the internet, fandoms often engaged in a war to protect their idols.

Because everyone arrived at Cheng Ying Ji's house quite early, she let them watch TV or do some activities freely, while she continued practicing the piano. Because she had to practice the piano, no one in the house turned on the TV or made any noise. Cheng Ying Ji practiced playing her vocal. This was the first time her family saw her working, they couldn't help but watch.

"Everyone, stop looking." Cheng Ying Ji was so bothered by the looks that she couldn't concentrate. She closed the piano, walked towards the living room, and squeezed in to sit on the sofa. Cheng Jing sat between her and Huo Xiu. Her brother picked up some fruits and looked at her with wide eyes. "What do you want to ask?"

"Nothing, I want to invite you to act in a film."

Cheng Ying Ji was still holding the remote to turn on the TV, turning on some great variety show for everyone to watch. She didn't pay much attention and took out her phone to do some work.

"What film?"

"I'm preparing to join the crew for a new film. It's a historical drama. We are missing a small role. Are you interested?"

"Tell me more about it."

Cheng Ying Ji answered, not paying attention. But Cheng Jing was extremely excited and spoke quickly.

"This movie's motif is not new it's an adaption of a Danmei novel."

Danmei's film – a film adapted from a famous online boy love romance novel. These days, there are a lot of movies adapted from web novels, so the market share has also shifted to satisfy the needs of the community. Many actors become famous after acting in these movies. As long as it isn't adapted haphazardly, fans of the original will support it enthusiastically. Anyway, the novels chosen to be made into films also have a huge fan base.

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