Chapter 1: New Year (1)

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Cheng Ying Ji lowered her cap, pulled her suitcase along the main road, and calmly avoided the eyes of the surrounding neighbors. She pushed the fence door of a two-story villa. There was a doghouse in the yard. The Corgi dog saw her and quickly ran over, barking non-stop. Cheng Ying Ji smiled softly, squatted down, comfortably stroked the adorable puppy for a bit, then signaled him to be quiet.

The puppy was smart, and understood what she meant, so he sat on his butt in the yard, watching Cheng Ying Ji go to the house and ring the doorbell. Soon someone ran out, a slender woman wearing a cheongsam and a warm fur coat on her shoulders. She opened the door while grumbling.

"It's late, who's here at this hour?"

"Surprise!!!!" Cheng Ying Ji raised her head, her tea-brown eyes sparkled, and her whole face was almost hidden by the cap, but the woman still recognized her. Mrs. Cheng saw her daughter coming home after a long time and screamed excitedly. Cheng Ying Ji laughed loudly, giving her a tight hug. "Long time no see, mom!"

"Hurry and go inside, it's cold outside."

Mrs. Cheng quickly pulled her into the house. She didn't forget to turn around and yell at the man in the living room.

"Cheng Hao, look who's back!!"

Cheng Hao was sitting in the living room drinking tea when he heard her voice and ran out. As soon as he saw Cheng Ying Ji, he came to help her carry her luggage into the house. Cheng Ying Ji also hugged her father, curling her lips and smiling softly. The weather was very cold, and the evening temperature was low, so Cheng Ying Ji's nose turned red from the cold. She rubbed her face into her father's warm chest and smiled.

"Why did you come back without telling us beforehand?"

"I want to come and spend the New Year with you. It won't be a surprise anymore if I told you beforehand."

Cheng Ying Ji took off her cap, and Mrs. Cheng helped her take off her thick coat. She walked into the kitchen with her parents, and sure enough, she saw that the dumplings had already been prepared. A TV movie was still playing in the living room, Cheng Ying Ji's recently aired movie. She couldn't help but feel happy when she saw her mother still watching her movies every day.

"Don't you guys watch New Year's Eve?"

"It's still early." Mrs. Cheng quickly took out a lot of dumplings for Cheng Ying Ji to eat first. Looking at her daughter, the woman could see that she had come back in a hurry, so Cheng Ying Ji probably hadn't eaten anything yet. "You should tell us next time you're back, so we can come and pick you up."

"Then it's no longer a surprise." Cheng Ying Ji smiled faintly, eating dumplings, and talking. She stuffed a large dumpling into her mouth, chewed, and spoke, not looking like a lady at all. Cheng Hao sat next to her and poured his daughter a glass of water. She gulped, taking the cup in her father's hand, looking extremely satisfied. "I heard that brother couldn't come back this year, so I came. Aren't you happy when I'm here?"

"Of course, we are. You're the best, darling." Mrs. Cheng said lovingly, she pulled out a chair and sat down next to her. Looking at her eating deliciously, she felt a bit sad. "Look at you, you're so skinny..."

"Nah," Cheng Ying Ji said hastily. She doesn't pay attention to what her public image does. At home, she acts casually. She is never a woman who eats elegantly. Moreover, Cheng Ying Ji's appetite is usually large, but because she is a celebrity, her weight is strictly controlled. Cheng Ying Ji recently went on tour, so she looked like she had lost a few pounds. She was afraid that her mother would worry so she didn't say much. "I eat pretty well, mom."

When Mrs. Cheng heard her daughter, she smiled softly and did not speak anymore, afraid that her daughter would think that she was worried too much.

"How long can you stay?"

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