Chapter 8 - #AZ4444 (1)

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Just like that, the storm in Team Alpha's room quietly arose, but on this side, Cheng Ying Ji and Huo Xiu quickly decoded the password together. The password is Mars. As soon as the door was opened, Huo Xiu was stunned. He saw Cheng Ying Ji's gun barrel pointed straight at him. She curled her lips and smiled, signaling him to raise his hands.

"Captain Cheng?"

"I need to confirm your identity. " Cheng Ying Ji said calmly. "Prove that you are the person I invited."

Huo Xiu was stunned. Then he calmly answered.


Cheng Ying Ji's expression changed slightly, she lowered the gun.

"You know everything?"

Huo Xiu nodded to Cheng Ying Ji. The two of them got along very well. They didn't say what agreements happened between them. Cheng Ying Ji intentionally invited the special envoy, not because of the spy case, but because of the real case behind the Azure Police Department.

The captain found similarities in the way these explosions were caused with the explosions of 30 years ago. Leading to her doubting whether there was a hidden secret in the accident at the shopping center that year. The captain secretly investigated and accidentally received news from Dragonis... All the real evidence of the cases that year.

In the script, it is mentioned that the captain intentionally invited the special envoy to bring the truth to light, but not a single mention that the captain is the spy. But Huo Xiu's attitude proved that this special envoy knew Cheng Ying Ji - who as a captain had betrayed the Police Department. But he still agreed to come here, it seems that he is Cheng Ying Ji's only ally in this episode.

"What do you plan to do?"

"There are computers in Team Alpha's office." Cheng Ying Ji said calmly, walking with Huo Xiu toward her team's office where the others were still locked up. "If they can unlock my computer, there is a possibility that there is evidence that I am a spy."

"So are you going to destroy the evidence now or eliminate your teammates?"

Huo Xiu asked calmly. Cheng Ying Ji was stunned, frowning at him.

"Lin Ying probably already has doubts..."

"So get rid of him first?"

"What is your ability?"

Huo Xiu touched his chin.

"I can make a shield that resists bullets, up to three times, and this ability can be used on the others."

"..." Cheng Ying Ji was silent. Actually... in her heart, she didn't really want to kill other people. Because the script makes it very clear how close their relationship is. Until a moment ago, she was still a bit confused about the real story of why a member of Team Alpha betrayed the Police Department. "Let's go unlock the computer first, let's see what this whole thing is about before we choose what we should do."

"Roger that."

But as soon as Huo Xiu finished speaking, an alert suddenly rang out. The ear-piercing siren was heard. They heard the narrator's voice.

"Air pollution density has increased. Warning, air pollution density is increasing. Please close the air purge valve. After 30 minutes, if the valve is not closed, the player's health points will slowly decrease until it reaches 0."

"Air pollution density has increased."

The narrator's voice continuously rang out. Cheng Ying Ji and Huo Xiu's faces fell and hurriedly ran back to Team Alpha's office. Cheng Ying Ji knocked on the door and shouted.

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