Chapter 5: End of Episode 1 (2)

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"Looks like there's a power outage."

"Let's... let's go back to the security room for a moment."

Song Jie couldn't stand it. He cried out and said, Cheng Ying Ji couldn't bear it either, so she led everyone back to the security room. There was still light in the room, the power outage happened, and they could only find more clues on how to turn the power back on in this room.

Cheng Ying Ji let the three guests be scared to sit near each other, while she walked over and talked to Lin Ying. The two discussed what they saw and also described the behavior of the two NPCs. Cheng Ying Ji didn't understand what these actions meant, so she went back to discuss them with others. Luckily Yu Yue recognized the movements Cheng Ying Ji described.

That is a sign language. Yu Yue previously acted in a movie, she played the role of a mute person, so she learned how to use sign language. Based on these clues, they also found instructions to restart the power source. There were a total of four switch locations in the hallway. They needed to flip the switch at the same time to get the power back on.

"So we have to separate?"

After hearing this, Ji Zi Yan trembled. Cheng Ying Ji flipped through the notebook and pointed to the map drawn on it. On the map, there are symbols shaped like lightning bolts, which are probably the locations of these switches. Cheng Ying Ji looked at these positions a bit and felt worried. There are five of them, but three of them are afraid of ghosts. If they separate like this, she's afraid they won't be in a good state.

"We can go together to this point and then separate." Lin Ying pointed to the map. "Starting from this point, we start to move away one by one. Can A Ying go first? You'll stand in the middle. After that, Ji Zi Yan will go straight to the end, he will need to pass by A Ying, and at that time it will be a little less scary. I will be the last person to take the remaining position. Yu Yue and Song Jie are together at the starting point."

Cheng Ying Ji had no objection because basically, she could go wherever she wanted. But the others negotiated a bit and then finalized this plan. Even though they were scared just now, they knew that there were no real ghosts. Furthermore, based on the development of the plot, perhaps Tao Meng is the person behind these things. The reason may be that she does not want this apartment building to be bought and has to move out.

"Actually, let's discuss it first." Ji Zi Yan scratched his head, thought for a moment, then spoke. "What will be our next step when we have the electricity back?"

"Looking for Tao Meng? She's the only one who can give us the answer."

Song Jie joined the discussion.

"I still don't know why she doesn't want to leave." Lin Ying found it a bit confusing. Although what happened combined with the clues they found can shed some light on the plot, everything is still disjointed. "If she pretends to be a ghost to this extent, it's probably not simply because she doesn't want to sell the house, but because of other reasons as well."

"The houses here are in such a bad state, sooner or later they will be demolished, but why does she persist in refusing to leave? Besides, even if we find Tao Meng later, what should we do next? Convince her to sell the house?" Yu Yue was also a bit confused.

"That logic isn't quite right." Cheng Ying Ji smiled and said. Everyone focused on looking at her. Up until now, she had always been the most reliable and intelligent person, so they instinctively took her words more seriously.

"Let's not talk about the underlying reason why Tao Meng doesn't want to move, just the fact that she intentionally scared us like that is enough to prove that she will never sign an agreement to sell the house. Threatening to make us leave and report to the company that this place cannot be bought because of ghosts. So if we convince her to sell the house, wouldn't it be a meaningless action?

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