Chapter 10 - Episode 1 Airs (3)

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Next was Qi Zi Yan and his group's endless rummaging, while Cheng Ying Ji was too tired to find clues and research by herself. The solo player Cheng Ying Ji can't rely on her teammates so she needed to act on her own.

Cheng Ying Ji's screen showed many wailing memes from the post-production and props team as she ransacked the warehouse she was in. Viewers laughed like crazy because of the two different sides of the guests. On one side, they are confused and can't find the clues, on the other side, Cheng Ying Ji finds all the clues and then has nothing left to do and has to search again, until she destroys the room.

At this time, Cheng Ying Ji's walkie-talkie suddenly rang out Qi Zi Yan's heart-wrenching scream.

[ Oh my god, I'm so scared!!!!! ]

[ Qi Zi Yan is a devil, how can he make this sound!!!! ]

[ Gege, don't scare your fans, we can't bear it. ]

Viewers were constantly crying because of Qi Zi Yan's voice when Cheng Ying Ji turned on the walkie-talkie, her face filled with hate, and said: "Don't scream, your scream is scarier than being scared by the ghost."

[ Her hate is spilling out of the screen(*) lmaoooo ]

[ Qi Zi Yan is hated, hahaha, I'm dying of laughter]

[ A Ying: Shut up, you're the devil scaring people! ]

Another hotsearch appeared: "Cheng Ying Ji hates Qi Zi Yan".

At this moment everyone heard Cheng Ying Ji quickly exchange her thoughts with others. The guests were terrified, and the viewers were stunned. They kept scolding the producer team for not being humane, yet they left the female guest alone and wanted her to crawl into the next room.

When Cheng Ying Ji said that she was not afraid, her face was extremely calm, as if she didn't care at all. Cheng Jing, who was watching, couldn't help but turn his head to look at his sister, only to see her still munching on the fruit. The large bunch of grapes that Huo Xiu held in his hand had already entered her stomach. Huo Xiu also noticed, afraid that she would have indigestion, so he put the remaining bunch of grapes back into Cheng Jing's fruit plate, implying that he wouldn't let her eat anymore.

The screen showed the part where Lin Ying called Cheng Ying Ji a 'brave noble lady', making the entire audience laugh uncontrollably. But when she refused to let Lin Ying crawl over, their fans laughed harder.

[ Lin Xiao Ying: I originally intended to rescue the damsel in distress, but she's so brave that I can't hold it! ]

[ The previous comment made me laugh to death!!! ]

[ Cheng 'the brave noble lady' Ying Ji: I won't ask you to rescue me, I can save myself, so why are you coming over??? ]

As soon as Cheng Ying Ji finished speaking, everyone was surprised to see that she lifted the chair and opened the ventilation door. Huo Xiu also frowned looking at this scene.

"The door is so heavy, but you can open it?"

"Heavy?" Cheng Ying Ji tilted her head in confusion as if trying to remember the situation at that time, then she touched her chin. "It doesn't seem heavy..."

Huo Xiu didn't say anything anymore. When Cheng Ying Ji regained her composure and crawled into the ventilation passage, everyone almost cried, comments flying all over the screen. The viewers online constantly cursed the show for torturing female guests like this. Many people were also scared and said that Cheng Ying Ji was too brave. A hotsearch for Cheng Ying Ji crawling into the ventilation duct quickly appeared.

"Be careful..."

Cheng Ying Ji suddenly warned. Mrs. Cheng quickly covered her eyes with both hands but still peeked, Cheng Hao instinctively hugged his wife. Cheng Jing tensed up.

As soon as she finished speaking, Qi Zi Yan screamed out loud making everyone jump. Cheng Ying Ji didn't know why she burst out laughing when she saw this scene. She knew that at that time, she only found Zi Yan's screaming voice very scary, but now looking back, she saw that their reactions were really funny. However, the calm Cheng Ying Ji showed made the viewers even more shocked. Cheng Ying Ji knew that there was a ghost coming to scare her. Her teammates were scared to death but still calmly continued to crawl as if nothing happened.

The camera suddenly changed angle when Lin Ying noticed Cheng Ying Ji, he turned his head, and on the screen, the face of the female ghost that had crawled behind Cheng Ying Ji and was grabbing her ankles appeared.

Mrs. Cheng was scared and screamed.

"What kind of evil program is that!!!"

Cheng Jing couldn't help but curse loudly.

Huo Xiu, on the other hand, looked at the screen calmly, because he felt that Cheng Ying Ji's reaction was very interesting.

And when viewers heard Lin Ying screaming for her not to look back, they also rushed to comment.

[ My baby girl, don't turn around!!!!! ]

[ Jiejie, no!!! ]

[ Someone saves our A Ying huhu!!! It's too scary!! ]

[ Save her!!! Did I see that NPC grabbing her ankle?!?! ]

[ This show is cruel!!!! ]

Comments flew everywhere, but Cheng Ying Ji did not disappoint everyone's expectations and directly turned around to face the NPC. Her face was still bewildered, not understanding what was going on. The camera now shows Cheng Ying Ji's face when facing the female ghost glaring at her. She was bewildered, and blinked at the NPC again, her expression filled with confusion.

[ Xiao Ying Ji: Why are you holding my little ankle for? ]

[ Oh my god, her expression is so cute that I forgot to be scared hahaha. ]

Cheng Ying Ji, who was grabbed by the ankle, stopped mid-way. But then she directly turned her head and stopped looking at the NPC, continuing to crawl forward. She had just given the clue to Qi Zi Yan when she saw Lin Ying reaching out to help her. But the NPC was clinging to her and grabbed Cheng Ying Ji's ankle harder, pulling her back.

Cheng Ying Ji's posture is so strange that viewers can't help but laugh and feel scared at the same time.

"... Please let me go... I would probably accidentally kick you while I'm trying to get out, you can't say that I've assaulted an NPC when it happens though..."

Everyone laughed so hard when they heard that.

[ LMAO when you get scared but you still care about the NPC's safety hahahahaha. ]

[ Istg who doesn't know will think that she was the one who threatened the NPC, not the one who was being threatened. ]

[ The producer team: We thought she would be scared to death but she wasn't scared at all! ]

Before everyone could stop laughing, Cheng Ying Ji's negotiation with the "ghost" made them fall out of their chairs laughing. Hotsearch appears again. Just halfway through episode 1, Cheng Ying Ji is already taking up several hotsearches, and the show's fame is also skyrocketing.

"Then... are we allowed to go or not? You just told me I can't go and then you chased me away? If you want me to go away, you have to let me go so I can crawl..."

She was so confused and that made everyone laugh out loud. This face of hers was also cut out to make a meme, the image quickly flooded on social networks.

Lin Ying now spoke to everyone's heart: "And yet you are negotiating with her?"

The post-production team: [ Our NPC wants to quit!!!! ]

Episode 1 ends when Cheng Ying Ji is hugged and helped down from the ventilation duct by Lin Ying. This scene was quickly cut out and spread at breakneck speed. The fame of the couple Double Ying (Lin Ying x Cheng Ying Ji) increased rapidly, in just one night they climbed straight to the top 10 of the super topics of the most shipped couple online.


(*) It means that Ying Ji shows her hate toward Qi Zi Yan genuinely so that everyone can notice that she might hate him for real and not acting at all.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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