Chapter 3: Run! Fight! - The First Episode (2)

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While returning to her room to rest and eat, Cheng Ying Ji received the phone back from Xiao Mi. As soon as she opened it, she saw that she was pulled into a group chat. Looking closely, she saw that this group only had three people: her, Cheng Jing, and Huo Xiu.

Xiao Ying: "????"

As soon as her question marks were sent, Cheng Jing quickly typed a reply.

Cheng Jing: "My lil sis, you're finally online. I was waiting for you all day."

Xiao Ying: "I just finished a photoshoot for my new game show, what's wrong?"

Huo Xiu had finished filming. When he saw the chat app pop up a strange chat box, he felt confused. When he clicked on it, he found out that it was a new group chat created by Cheng Jing. He and his sister are chatting right now. He saw that Cheng Ying Ji texted something about her new game show, so he conveniently texted to ask what show it was.

Who would have thought Cheng Ying Ji would answer.

Xiao Ying: "@Xiu – "Run! Fight!". I just finished taking promoted photos, I will officially film the first episode tonight."

Cheng Jing: "What show is that?"

Xiao Ying: "Horror puzzle escape show."

As soon as Cheng Ying Ji finished texting, both Cheng Jing and Huo Xiu couldn't help but be stunned. Are all female celebrities this bold these days? Even if you're not afraid of ghosts, you still dare to record these types of game shows. This kind of show is just like escaping from a secret room, they often offer a horror theme, so the guests get scared a lot. Lately, the market has been extremely fond of this type of game show.

At this time, Cheng Ying Ji saw Xiao Mi spamming a bunch of messages for her. When she opened it, she saw all the pictures she had just taken. Cheng Ying Ji randomly selected a few photos to save and threw them into the group chat. As soon as she finished sending it, she saw that the group name had been changed to "Family of Three" and was speechless. Only Cheng Jing could come up with a name like this.

Huo Xiu was still tilting his head back to drink the water that his assistant brought him. He instinctively clicked to see the photos Cheng Ying Ji had sent. The moment he noticed it was her in the photos, he choked. Xiao Bai, his assistant, who was standing next to him saw this and was surprised. Huo Xiu waved his hand to signal that he was fine, so Xiao Bai wouldn't come and check on him.

"I'm okay, go do your work."

Xiao Bai looked suspiciously at his boss typing on his phone and chatting but didn't dare to ask much.

Xiu: "The photo is very good!"

Cheng Jing: "Very good? My sister is so beautiful and that is what you were saying..."

Xiao Ying: "... please stop..."

Cheng Ying Ji was speechless, but the corners of her lips couldn't help but curl up into a smile.

Cheng Jing: "Is the theme for the first episode related to office work? Oh my, this figure of yours is so hot..."

Xiao Ying: "Yes. The plot is about a group of people from a real estate company going to an old apartment building to convince people to leave so the company can buy back the apartment, but this place is full of strange horror rumors. We need to investigate these rumors so the company can decide whether or not they will buy this building."

Cheng Ying Ji typed a bunch of words explaining, conveniently spoiling a bit of the game show's plot. She didn't really care, anyway, Cheng Jing or Huo Xiu wouldn't reveal this information. But after typing, she thought of something and continued texting.

Xiao Ying: "Pay attention to your image @Cheng Jing. Don't let your fans see that condescending look..."

Cheng Jing: "My sister is so beautiful; I must be her biggest fan though!"

Cheng Ying Ji stared at the phone and decided to pretend not to see this message. Cheng Jing didn't dare talk to her like that in real life, but on the internet, he immediately turned into such a simp(*). The images of being quiet, handsome, dashing, and gentlemanly were all thrown away. Both energized and noisy, and a bit childish... completely unlike the type of brother in real life who wouldn't dare talk to his sister even for two sentences.

The image is so different, she can't help feeling weird about this.

Huo Xiu couldn't help but laugh looking at these two siblings interacting. Cheng Jing is a very talkative, and hot-tempered person, but is very reserved around his sister. Huo Xiu already knew and didn't find it strange. It's just that he doesn't know why Cheng Jing suddenly started this group chat. Normally he wouldn't even dare to text his sister, so why is he so active now?

Cheng Jing: "When are you moving? Why don't you go see the house first?"

Xiao Ying: "Jing Dian and Xiao Mi will arrange everything so there's no need to see it in advance. After finishing episode 1 of "Run! Fight!", I will move there immediately."

Cheng Jing sent over a meme. Cheng Ying Ji burst into laughter when she saw it. This meme is a meme expressing that he is scared, she doesn't know where he got it from, and it looks so funny. After Cheng Jing sent the meme, he quickly sent another message.

Cheng Jing: "Can I come to your place for a housewarming party?"

Xiao Ying: "Okay. What do you want to eat?"

Cheng Jing: "Let's eat hot pot~"

Xiao Ying: "Sure."

Cheng Ying Ji had just finished answering when she saw Huo Xiu's friend's invitation. She didn't think much and agreed. Huo Xiu conveniently sent a message to ask.

Xiu: "You are moving to a new place?"

Xiao Ying: "Yeah. I will be Cheng Jing's new neighbor. Also, if you have free time, you can come to our housewarming party too. The more the merrier.

In Cheng Ying Ji's eyes, Huo Xiu was Cheng Jing's best friend, so she treated him like a brother and didn't pay much attention. Cheng Ying Ji has been thinking a lot over the past few days, although before there was a gap and misunderstanding between her and her family. But in the end, they didn't do anything wrong to her and tried very hard to make up for it. Cheng Ying Ji cannot remain stubbornly indifferent. If she doesn't open up, no matter what they do, they won't be able to reconcile their relationship with her.

Cheng Ying Ji is not a thoughtless person. She realized her brother's feelings and changed her attitude towards him. Cheng Ying Ji doesn't spend much time with relatives, and her personality is a bit... odd, so she basically doesn't know how to behave properly. Having more people nearby might have eased the atmosphere between her and Cheng Jing.

So, Cheng Ying Ji also brought some personal thoughts to invite Huo Xiu.

Xiu: "Okay. We will talk later then, good luck with your work."

Cheng Ying Ji didn't answer anymore, she lay in her bedroom, and after a while, she fell asleep heavily. She felt like she should still take care of herself for tonight's recording.

(*) Simp: It's slang describing someone who shows way too much sympathy and attention toward another person. It appears to be a bad term cause this kind of excessive behavior usually comes from feelings of insecurity or low self-esteem.

But in Wyatt's case, it means that he just loves his little sister too much.

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