Chapter 2: Met by Chance (1)

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Cheng Ying Ji staying two more days was enough to make her family happy. Nothing happened these two days. As celebrities, they mostly stayed at home and didn't go out. Although Cheng Ying Ji is still on a short vacation, she is not free from her work. Her concert still needs to be prepared, and her schedule for the first few months of the new year has been prepared a long time ago. So, the situation of her staying at home but still constantly talking on the phone with her manager is very normal.

In contrast to his sister's situation, Cheng Jing and Huo Xiu were a bit more relaxed. They left the filming crew to celebrate Lunar New Year, so they didn't have any schedule delays. Being at home is much more relaxing, literally having two days to rest. During these two days together, Cheng Ying Ji didn't talk to the two of them much. After all, she was busy. Only at the dinner table or at the afternoon tea break could they say more than a few words to her.

Two days passed very quickly, all of them returning, and leaving at the same time. Mrs. Cheng and Cheng Hao stood at the door watching their three children leave. Huo Xiu and Cheng Jing's filming crew are not far apart, so they both go together. Cheng Ying Ji is different, she calls a cab to the airport herself and doesn't ask her assistant to pick her up. Initially, Cheng Jing wanted to take his sister, but she refused. They should be careful and avoid being caught going out together.

"Text me when you get there."

Cheng Jing couldn't help but speak.

Cheng Ying Ji put on a face mask, a cap, and pulled her suitcase, nodded to show that she would text him later. She waved goodbye to everyone then pulled the door open and sat in the car.

"I'm going now, goodbye everyone."

Mrs. Cheng was a bit reluctant but knew her daughter was busy, so she just told her to pay attention to her health and then watched her car drive away.

It was late at night when Cheng Ying Ji flew to the capital. This schedule of hers is personal and has not been announced publicly, so there are no fans to pick her up at the airport. But her assistant Xiao Mi, who was always by her side, was already waiting at the airport. The weather was very cold, Cheng Ying Ji wrapped herself in a burgundy red shawl that her mother bought for her as a Lunar New Year's gift and sat on the specialized car that Xiao Mi had prepared.

"A Ying, I heard you found a house to move already?"

As soon as Xiao Mi sat in the driver's seat, he asked. Cheng Ying Ji tilted her head back and closed her eyes to rest a bit, she said casually.

"Yeah, the apartment is on the 16th floor, apartment complex X. We can move there tomorrow, Jing Dian has already arranged the contract there, right?"

"Yup, your old apartment contract has been resolved. In a few days, I will send someone to decorate your new house. That apartment has good security and is an ideal place to live. But that area is very difficult to rent, and the rent is also high, how did you find such a good house?

"Someone bought an apartment there for me."

Cheng Ying Ji answered casually. Xiao Mi didn't dare to ask too much. Having worked with Cheng Ying Ji for several years, he knows that his artist has support behind her. But normally she doesn't talk about these things, and since she's famous because of her talent, her team(*) doesn't ask much about her background. Cheng Ying Ji has been an idol for the past few years, there may not be any scandals, but there is no shortage of bullying of new people in the industry, and she has never used the capitalist(**) behind her back.

Xiao Mi only knows that occasionally Cheng Ying Ji will have her own schedule to go out to eat with someone. Much later, Jing Dian couldn't help but ask, but Cheng Ying Ji said she was going to see her brother. A few months later, she informed everyone that she was the biological sister of the Best Male Actor – Cheng Jing. At this point, the team discovered that the capitalist behind her was her biological brother.

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