Chapter 5: End of Episode 1 (1)

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After gathering with everyone, the first thing Cheng Ying Ji did was share everything she had found. Furthermore, she realized that everyone had not yet solved the question that could give them the password to open the door. While everyone was researching the notebook and letters she brought, Cheng Ying Ji went to the computer and checked it. Lin Ying followed behind, he was the one who had the most knowledge about computers compared to all other guests.

"There is information about the residents on the computer."

Cheng Ying Ji opened a file and saw that it contained all the household owners, including information about whether they had moved or signed a consent form to sell the house to the real estate company. Lin Ying stood next to her, propped his hands on the table, and lowered his head to look at the screen, the two of them leaned a bit close, and everything was recorded by the camera.

"Only two households have not signed yet." Lin Ying said, pointing to the screen and seeing the names of the landlords of the two households, Tao Meng and Liu Yong. Lin Ying remembered something. " The security guard's name is also Liu Yong."

"Understandable, he didn't move because he was still a security guard here. But who is Tao Meng?

Cheng Ying Ji tilted her head.

"In these letters, it looks like correspondence between the two people." Ji Zi Yan, who was studying the letters, joined the discussion. The five of them gathered to examine the letters. Yu Yue and Song Jie arranged for them to try to piece together a complete conversation. "Look, here this person said he bought a house and then wanted to use this house as a wedding house. This letter seems to be in response to the fact that his spouse also has a house here, and she will move back to live with him after they marry."

"Next, it seemed like the man went to another city to work and sent letters home, but he only sent two letters, then disappeared, the other letters were from his spouse but they kept being returned since there was no one received those letters. "

Yu Yue continued pointing to the other letters.

"Let's go find Tao Meng." Cheng Ying Ji thought she touched her chin. "She might be the only clue to this whole situation."

"Then we have to go out first."

Lin Ying sighed, pulled out a locked box, and on it was a riddle that they needed to solve to get the password to unlock the door.

"Let's try to solve this first."

Cheng Ying Ji held the box in front of her and carefully looked at the drawing. The four corners of this box had four strange drawings, and in the middle is another drawing arranged from the four corners into a series of drawings. It looks like the answer order of the four corner drawings following the middle one is the code. Cheng Ying Ji tilted her head to look at the picture in the four corners, it took a while before she spoke.

"Why does it look like a clock?"

"Clock?" Song Jie was puzzled. Cheng Ying Ji raised her hand, he gave her the notebook. Cheng Ying Ji took the ballpoint pen on the table and drew the drawing on paper. "It looks like it's telling the time."

"Let's assume this." Cheng Ying Ji calmly drew the four drawings in the four corners. "If the first line is the minute hand, then the second line will be the hour hand, calculated from left to right according to the clock hand, which defines the position of the first or second line."

"Then the order is 7:30, 9:15, 12:00, 5:00."

Lin Ying watched Cheng Ying Ji's hand draw and read out a series of numbers indicating the hour, arranged in the order of the drawing in the middle of the box.

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