Chapter 7: Galactic Police (2)

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Cheng Ying Ji looked at her teammates and suddenly felt confused. She is only going to meet the guest, why are they saying goodbye like it's the last time they meet? She also told them to be careful and look for clues in the room on her behalf so that they had something else to share with her when she was back. The producer team looked at their separation as if they were about to say goodbye forever and were speechless.

Cheng Ying Ji followed the NPC out, and sure enough, she saw the door slam shut and it was locked. She silently thought that her teammates were locked inside again and calmly followed the NPC out into the hallway. The two of them walked together, no one said a word to each other. Cheng Ying Ji looked at the NPC walking in front leading the way to the point that he broke out in a cold sweat.

She narrowed her eyes and calmly asked him.

"Is it really the Commander-in-Chief calling me?"

"That's right."

"Ah." Cheng Ying Ji just said calmly. After that, her actions surprised the producer team. Cheng Ying Ji took out the short gun she was wearing on her belt, pointed it straight at the NPC's head, and fired without hesitation. Red smoke rose from the NPC's head, he was stunned, turned around, and stared at Cheng Ying Ji. "You're dead, what are you looking at..."

The director sat behind the screen, clutching his chest, feeling like he was in danger of having a stroke. He quickly shouted into the NPC's headset.

"If you get shot, die!!!"

The NPC who received the instructions immediately straightened his pose and fainted on the ground. Cheng Ying Ji looked at the faint man's appearance, and couldn't help but laugh a little. She put away the gun and saw that a green line was missing on the gun. Each gun has a total of 10 lines representing the bullets remaining in the gun. She kicked the NPC so that he could voluntarily roll aside. Cheng Ying Ji calmly squatted down and rummaged through the other person's body, and indeed found the NPC's identity card. A Dragonis disguised as a police officer infiltrated the organization.

The assistant director sitting next to him also sweated looking at Cheng Ying Ji's actions. That NPC is the guide that opens the main plot of the spy. Even the spy himself doesn't know that he is the spy because the script doesn't mention this directly, the first player to be led away is the spy. Furthermore, this NPC will exchange countless information with the spy to help the opponent destroy the entire Team Alpha.

Lin Ying was right, if Cheng Ying Ji was a spy, they would have no chance of winning because her advantage as captain was too great. But she chose a very strange path, not knowing that she was a spy, and even took it upon herself to kill her NPC teammate Dragonis. The producer team doesn't know what's going on.

Their script provides information, but how they act is actually up to the player's creativity. But if the spy plot is directly cut off like this, how can the episode proceed????

"What should we do?"

The main director looked at the assistant director, held his chest, gasped, and spoke to the crew. "Just ignore her. Bugs like this cannot be saved."

Everyone was speechless.

And after Cheng Ying Ji had taken the other person's identity card, her expression did not change at all. She searched for a while and sure enough, found a red glass tube. Cheng Ying Ji shook the tube in her hand, at which point the narrator quickly spoke into her headset.

"Item obtained: Poison. Just a small dose can kill the enemy. It can diffuse in air, water, and all environments. Number of times used: 1."

Cheng Ying Ji was stunned. She stared at the NPC lying on the ground, saw the other person squinting his eyes at her, looking like he no longer had any regrets, and then she suddenly understood. She calmly put the tube in the bag she wore on her belt, then left the NPC behind and acted on her own. Cheng Ying Ji did not return to Team Alpha's room, because her real purpose was to find Huo Xiu.

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