Chapter 10 - Episode 1 Airs (2)

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When everyone sits at the dining table, the atmosphere is much more comfortable. Cheng Ying Ji loves eating hot pot, but she doesn't like to talk about her habits, so she doesn't invite any friends to her house, and going out to eat hot pot alone is too boring for her. It's been a while since there's been a gathering of so many people, so she has more appetite than usual.

Cheng Ying Ji likes spicy food, but because she was afraid the others wouldn't be able to eat it, she didn't make the hotpot broth too spicy. In return, Cheng Ying Ji's dipping sauce has a lot of chili. Everyone was eating and chatting, but she was so focused on eating that she didn't even notice that her chin was covered in sauce.

Cheng Jing sat opposite, seeing his sister eating happily like that, he couldn't help but dip more meat into the broth and continuously put it in her bowl. Mrs. Cheng, sitting next to her, was very enthusiastic about making vegetables for her daughter. Cheng Ying Ji ate very happily. Mrs. Cheng saw her chin stained with sauce, took out a tissue, and carefully wiped it for her, she said indulgently.

"Look at you, you ate so much that your chin was covered in sauce."

Cheng Ying Ji took the tissue, wiped her mouth a bit, and continued to eat.

"If you eat like that, be careful and people will think your family is starving you..."

Cheng Ying Ji glared at Cheng Jing and stuffed a piece of beef ball into her mouth. The taste was quite good, making her instinctively curl her eyes and smile in satisfaction.

"I didn't know you liked hot pot so much before..." Cheng Hao saw his daughter like that and said softly. "Next time you go home, we will cook hot pot for you to eat."

"Eating hot pot alone is not fun." Cheng Ying Ji said calmly, not paying attention to everyone's expressions. "Normally I live alone so I don't often eat hot pot, I will just eat something general."

"You can also eat hot pot at a celebration party." Huo Xiu sat next to Cheng Jing, calmly dipping more meat into the spicy broth for Cheng Ying Ji. He pretended not to see that everyone was looking very awkward, calmly looking for a topic to lighten the atmosphere. "But looking at you like that, eating in front of everyone is a bit out of character."

"You talk like Jing Dian." Cheng Ying Ji also did not refuse the meat that Huo Xiu dipped for her. After chewing it, she couldn't help but grumble. "He also said that I don't pay attention to my appearance when I eat. But I don't have an image, I don't have to use my face to make money."

When Huo Xiu heard that, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "If you don't use your face to make money, it's a waste."

Cheng Ying Ji naturally shrugged her shoulders.

"Most of my fans love my singing voice."

"It doesn't matter, everyone in the "Run! Fight!" was fascinated by your appearance. There will always be fans who like your face."

Cheng Ying Ji was speechless.

"I think Xiao Huo is right, I saw your appearance in the first episode, it's so pretty."

"Later I will show you my appearance for episode 2." Cheng Ying Ji said. "I'm sure you will faint because I look even prettier."

Mrs. Cheng heard her joke and laughed. Everyone started eating and chatting again. As a result... Cheng Ying Ji ate too much, she was so full that she couldn't breathe. Cheng Jing and Huo Xiu were in charge of washing dishes. Cheng Ying Ji was too lazy to compete with them. She pulled her parents out to the living room and turned on the TV together, waiting for "Run! Fight!" to broadcast.

Mrs. Cheng and Cheng Hao's crisp laughter echoed throughout the house, filling the space with life. Cheng Jing heard his parents' laughter and was in a very good mood. He was washing dishes and humming a song, but as a result, he slipped and broke a dish.

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