Chapter 4: Filming (1)

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At night, the filming of the first episode of "Run! Fight!" began. All guests wore blindfolds and were escorted to the arranged location by the support staff. Cheng Ying Ji keenly discovered that she had been separated from the others, and it seemed like she had to work on her own. It's only the first episode but the producer team already gave them the hardest task of separating the guests.

In the dark, she didn't hear any sounds, then she heard the door slam shut as the staff left. She wanted to take off her blindfold when the narrator's mechanical voice was heard.

"Miss Cheng Ying Ji, please report your university entrance exam scores."

"... I didn't take the university entrance exam." Cheng Ying Ji answered calmly, feeling a bit confused, but calmly continued. "I was admitted directly to a university in London... My major is Architecture."

When the producer team heard the answer, they were like: "Okay, you're a great student, you're the best..."

"You can take off the blindfold."

Cheng Ying Ji heard the narrator's command and immediately took off her blindfold. She looked at the scenery where she was now. She was locked in a room... that looked like a warehouse. Things are thrown around in a messy way. Cheng Ying Ji instinctively began to move forward to look for clues hidden in the room.

While Cheng Ying Ji is leisurely looking for clues, the other guests are not in a very good state. Of the five people, she was the only one who was separated. Four people went together, cowering in one place when they discovered they were pushed into another room. It looks a lot like a security room, there is a computer in the room that monitors the situation of the whole apartment. There are countless documents kept in the room. Several of them were forced to declare their entrance exam grades one by one before taking off their blindfolds.

Ji Zi Yan was the first to take off the blindfold. When he realized Cheng Ying Ji wasn't there, he exclaimed.

"The producers have no conscience. How could they let Cheng Ying Ji be alone on her own like that!!"

Yu Yue agreed. The four of them staying together in this space were still frightened by the darkness of the room's setting. They wondered if Cheng Ying Ji was okay with being alone.

"Let's quickly find clues and go find A Ying." Song Jie said, enthusiastically starting to look for clues in the room. They first went to check the computer. The boy checked the image in the camera and quickly discovered something. "Look, Cheng Ying Ji is in here."

Lin Ying walked over and looked at the image in the camera. Cheng Ying Ji was in the storage room, still very actively rummaging through everything as if looking for clues, without looking worried at all. At this time, Lin Ying noticed Cheng Ying Ji walking towards the door, seemingly trying to see if she could open the door, but as a result, she couldn't push the door open.

"The door is locked, she's locked up."

"The door here is also locked." Ji Zi Yan finished checking the door and quickly spoke, looking into the keyhole of the door. "Maybe the key is in the room, split up and find it."

In order to find Cheng Ying Ji, the four of them began searching the entire security room, not forgetting to pay attention to see if there were any interesting clues. The predetermined plot is that they are from the real estate company coming to convince the homeowners who have not yet moved out to receive compensation so they can demolish this old apartment building and build a new one.

However, this place is rumored to be infested with ghosts, so many households have left, but there is only one household that refuses to move. The company's employees were sent to find out if there really were ghosts. If so, they wouldn't buy this apartment complex.

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