I am appointed by a Billionaire to be his Heir's Girlfriend

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(Author's note: It's my third story, set in NewYork [a place I've never seen]. Just tell me about it. Keep reading. The chapters get better. Give some suggestions too, if you want. Feel free to comment anything. Also, the character's pictures at the side part. check them out. Also, fair warning: This is a HE SAID, SHE SAID story. Two POVs. Sorry if it'll confuse you. Thank you for reading. --UntamedAngel)

-Athena Vanderbilt POV-

Where is Chloe?

I have been waiting for her for an hour now and she still hasn't showed up. She texted me a message telling me to go to the bar of the Palace Hotel at exactly seven o'clock and it's already late and I've got studying to do.

You see, even though I am in this luxurious place, I am not in of the elite crowd. I am just a scholarship student, junior, at Sta.Catalina's School for Girls. It's a prep school actually, and an expensive one at that. And to tell you the truth, I can't even understand why my parents do everything just to send me at that private prep school wherein I could do in a public one.

So now you might be wondering why am I here? Chloe asked me to accompany her to go to Times Square and hang out. It's sort of our Friday night tradition. I agreed, even though I know the midterm exams are coming up. It's the only thing I could do for her anyway.

Chloe is a rich kid. To be honest, I don't even get her why did she choose to befriend a poor girl like me when there are lots of rich girls around our school. She stayed by my side and we both knew a lot of girls are questioning our friendship but she still stuck to me until today. Without Chloe backing me up, I might just be labeled as the school's biggest loser.

I sighed and emptied the glass of mango juice I ordered.

"Athena!" called by a familiar voice that made me turn around.

Then I saw the familiar wavy blond hair making its way from the crowd of brunettes standing at the door.

She quickly ran and stopped in front of me.

"What took you so long? You just live a few floors upstairs!" I asked her.

"Long story. Sorry. I can't. I know it's our Friday ritual but I really can't. Mom just forced me to attend a dinner party and that will be in forty five minutes!" she told me as she panted, catching her breath.

I blinked and tilted my head in disappointment or relief,  I don't know."Oh, sure. Run along now or Eleanor might be furious." I suggested as I gave her a weak smile.

"Thanks. Just order anything you want."

"Mister, can you please serve this lady a salad and refill her glass. Just charge it on me: Chloe Dupont."she said to the bartender in a hurried way.

"Call you tomorrow. And go home early, okay?" she reminded me as she hugged me briefly.

"Sure. Have fun."

She smiled before turning to disappear to the partying crowd.

I sighed and observed the people in the bar.

I saw a bunch of girls in my school hanging out with a few boys from Oswald's, the brother school of Sta. Catalina's. They were drinking a colored drink. Beer, I guess? These people's got nothing to do with their lives. Anyway, why do I care?

They didn't notice me. Not that I'm saying I'm so noticeable. Maybe I'm just really a shade in the background. I'm so not popular in the school. Maybe people only know my existence because I am the poor friend of the pretty Chloe Dupont. I'm fine with that, as long as they leave me alone.

The bartender served my salad and I realized I didn't eat dinner yet. Thank God Chloe was so kind to buy me a dinner. I need to pay her back someday. Soon.

I ate it for just a minute and emptied my glass. I was famished. I ignored the bartender's weird look when he saw me take down my dinner in a minute.

Should I go home now? Maybe I should. I never fit in this place anyway. I stood up and went out to the lobby where a lot of people in their evening gowns lounged. Maybe there's a party later?

I was staring at some woman's beaded gown when some guy grabbed my hand.

"What the..." I trailed when I saw who was the one I was about to yell at. I immediately shut my mouth. I felt my heart stopped for a nanosecond.

His mysterious blue eyes pierced mine and I recognized him instantly with untidy glossy brown hair.

No girl in the entire teen society of New York would not know him. Even I, the least sociable person on earth, knew him. Yes, he was that popular.

He is the son of the man behind the power of New York. A son of a multi-billionaire, needless to say. A lot of magazines featured him and tabloids follow his daily life. It's kind of impossible not to recognize him. And to say I saw him during our assemblies at the auditorium every Monday morning. You see, he study at Oswald's. And he's just like any other guy. He drinks and has a lot of girlfriends. Typically a jerk and a player.

Nathaniel Van Warner.

I shook his hand away and he gave me a big smile.

What the hell is he doing?

"Mr. Van Warner, do you need anything?" I asked him. We never talked so it must be kind of rude to call him by his first name.

"Ahh. The scholarship student in the Palace hotel." He muttered in some husky voice that could tell me he is drunk and totally not sober at the moment.

I rolled my eyes at him and walked away. I hate alcohol more than anything. I never had a taste of it and I'm not planning to. 

"Wait, Athena!" he called, still in his husky voice, as he grabbed my arm again.

He know my name? Since when? What the hell. This is getting weird.

I sighed and turned around and firmly shook his hand away, "What exactly is your problem, rich boy? I need to go home and in case you forgot, I'm not one of your girls."

He smiled warmly, like a little kid smiling to Santa Claus. He must have had lose his sanity so bad.

I am really confused with what's happening and why me, of all people, had this bad luck of encountering this badass. I'm really unlucky in this particular Friday night.

He touched my right shoulder again. Oh God, why is this man so touchy?

I glared at him and he didn't even seem to realize it was a glare.

He became paler and, unexpectedly, puked his guts to my ten-dollar top.

Oh my God. This is going to be a smelly night.

I am appointed by a Billionaire to be his Heir's GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now