2 - First Shift

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Everything had gone smoothly. His cabinets were full, as was his fridge, and clothing was put away neatly.

Now, he was switching to his first shift's clothing in the bathroom. He was a simple barista, didn't seem too hard. Taking orders, filling drinks, smile.

Simple enough. Coming out of the bathroom, he checked the schedule that was posted in the hall. He was scheduled with the same manager for the next few weeks, most likely to make sure he'd adjust easily to the job.

He rolled his eyes, heading out to the front. His mouth dropped open as his eyes laid on a sculped god that was filling orders.

He stumbled as he realized he was gaping at the man. He tripped over his own shoes, ramming right into the counter. He quickly righted himself, face flushed red of embarrassment, he glanced over the room.

Nobody seemed to have noticed.. besides, oh god, him. He looked like he was trying hard not to grin, his cheeks somewhat puffed out.

The embarrassment only grew as he realized the handsome god was the only worker there at the moment. Meaning, he was his 'mentor' for the time being.

"Fuck," Ethan cursed under his breath as he slowly walked over. "Uhm, Hi?"

The man only chuckled, shook his head slightly. "Hello. You must be the new hire."

His voice vibrated. It wasn't deep. It was just a vibration. The heat spread from his cheeks down to his neck as he nodded his head for further instructions.

"Right. You joined at a bad moment, we just started our sale with peppermint drinks. I'll help you after the customers, yeah?" The man didn't wait for a response as he turned to the people waiting with a smile.

The way he moved in such grace behind the counter had Ethan fluttering with envy, and a hint of jealousy. He doubted he'd ever be that good. He stood out of his way the best he could, some people staring. They probably wondered why he wasn't helping his co-worker.

10 minutes go by before the god was able to squeeze in a small teaching session on how to work the coffee machines, the blenders, where the different pastries were, and how to make designs with the creams for tips.

Throughout it all, the overwhelment grew as the poepel got more irritated by the order mess-ups. It got to the point people would leave the line until they got the god as their server.

Again, he was off to the side, trying not to be a nuisance. He'd have to find a new job, certain he was going to get fired. Maybe working at BusWay would be a better option.

Eventually lunch came around, another rush coming in. The god couldn't do if by himself, so Ethan had to step in. He messed up less orders, but people still scowled at him. A few cursed him out and demanded a free drink.

To stop a riot, the god gave them it. Baffled, Ethan questioned him. "Why would you give them free drinks? Won't you get in trouble?"

"Why do you think we scheduled you on one of our busier days? A few drinks never hurt anybody," He smirked at the second implication, moving back to the customers to not imply anymore.

Throughout it, he had learned to not mess with the ladies as much, or the men who wore suits. The women with rounder bellies were some of the nicest people he's ever met.

He also learned the god's name, Christopher. He smiled, humming as he switched back to his normal clothes. Stress clung to him like there wouldn't be more later that night.

He took an Uber home, not wanting to deal with walking through a bunch of people going about their day. He decided on a quick shower as coffee covered almost every other scent on him, then a quick nap and snack before his bar shift.

He sighed once he reached his new home, opening the door of the uber as he raced for his apartment.

Word Count: 744

Hello everyone! Infront of sexual/dirty scenes, I'll add 🦖 behind the title. Why that emoji? Because dinosaurs are awesome. And it gives you time to skip ahead incase it disturbs you. Let me know if you'd like me to add a gist at the beginning of the next clean chapter.

Have a good day/night everyone!


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