23 - Picnic

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A soft afternoon breeze combed through people's hair as they walked through the spring fair.

Jasper had picked Ethan up at 11, gotten them both one of the best gyros he had ever had, and now they strolled through a very popular park.

It was calming and peaceful, both listening to the different noises without saying a word to the other.

"Thank you for joining me," Jasper's hand brushed lightly against his own before they connected in a tight hand hold. The submissive knew he'd only let go when the other did first.

"Thank you for lunch. That was the best gyro I've ever had." As if on que, his stomach grumbled its approval.

The man led him to a beautiful flower garden, with many different plots taken over with beautiful rainbows of flowers.

Different scents flooded each plot, some more overwhelming than others. The flower garden then led to a vegetable, fruit, and other plant split.

Depending on the plot renter's preference, another set of rainbows were found. He loved nature, and while he wasn't good with naming off different flowers, he had the best green thumb his college had ever seen.

After geeking over the gardens for a long while, Jasper led him to a small bridge at the back of the park, surrounded by many trees that added a mystical effect. The bridge was old and beyond rustic, but not the view was breathtaking.

The comfortable silence - the silence Ethan could bathe in for hours with a good snuggle session - fell between the both of them again after they stopped laughing.

"I still have one more surprise," Jasper smiled, a twinkle sparkling in his eyes.

The surprise was beautiful. A blue and white chessboard patterned blanket, with a basket and a bottle of wine next to it, sat romantically on the park hill.

Anyone walking by on the path wouldn't notice them too much, with how far back they were. But it didn't make the scene any less romantic as Ethan suddenly turned and hugged Jasper.

How did the man know he loved cheesy romance?

"Thank you," He whispered before swiftly sitting. He went through the basket, finding small snacks.

"I didn't expect us to be hungry after I showed you the food trucks -" Jasper rubbed his neck nervously. "If you are, we can definitely stop somewhere to get something. I don't want you hungry."

"It's perfect," Ethan hushed his worrying. He opened the container of fruits and sweets, picking up a vine of grapes.

When he dug deeper into the basket, he found a cork screw. He made quick work of the top of the bottle, freeing the delicious aroma.

"Wanna do the honors?"

"Don't mind if I do," Jasper took the bottle, taking a quick swig. "God, I'm in high school again."

His date chuckled, handing the bottle back. They spent hours in that spot, eventually moving under a tree.

Time seemed to slip away. Ethan couldn't help the heavy, slow beat of his heart or the way happiness drugged every brainchild he had. Jasper seemed to have that effect on him nowadays.

He didn't notice he was leaning in until Jasper was pressing closer back, their lips mere inches apart.

A second had barely passed before a hesitant, soft kiss was pursued. The pace was slow and sweet, perfect to their little date.

"What the fuck?!" Christopher's pissed voice broke their little mood.

Word Count: 608

Another chapter! How is everybody? How're the chapters? Let me know as we reach closer to the end! I know it was very short, but I'm just beginning publishing.

Have a good day/night!


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