18 - Morning Rush

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He woke up the next morning on a tangle of his and Jasper's limbs. It took a few tries before he was completely free, though the force he needed to pull his last arm loose forced him off the bed.

Ethan landed in a loud 'thump', but the dominant didn't stir. His body told him it was early morning, but it also told him he had hibernate for a year in a half, so he didn't fully trust it.

He remembered how awkward the last time they woke up together was, how embarrassed he was of the night.

Of that night? No. That night had been fucking bliss. He was embarrassed of facing his actions.

The submissive stood quickly, naked as the day he was born, and as quietly as he could grabbed his clothes and slipped them on.

"Ethan?" Jasper stirred, shifting in the bed until he was flat on his back with a hand sticking out. The other reached to where Ethan had been lying, softly patting the still warmed spot.

Something in the man's heart warmed, something giving into the idea of a relationship. But, as stupid as it was, he gave up on that with his ex.

That man had hurt him in many ways. To the point Ethan had promised himself he'd stick to only himself when he moved out, never sleeping with a man twice. Too bad he was surrounded by the only two men he'd break that rule over and over again with.

Eventually, Jasper went back to sleep, hand resting calmly on the sheets. That was his que to leave, quietly opening and closing the club's room's door.

His mind needed a distraction, even as his sore legs and ass protested the speed he walked down the street. He had been right, the sun was barely rising to give him light to walk with.

He quickly sent a text to the shop's manager, hoping to work the day off. He'd offer to do it for free if that didn't sound absolutely pathetic and concerning.

Ethan finally caved to the grumbling of his stomach, grabbing a small snack once he got home. Exhaustion creeped in, to the point he started a 7 am. alarm and passed out.

When the alarm blasted at full volume, waking him from his Neverland, he whined to nobody and shut off the alarm, stretching like a cat.

His phone showed mixed messages, a few from his sister. He realized how long it had been since he had reached out to anybody but still swiped the message away. He'd deal with it later.. right?

Another was from his boss, happily agreeing to him coming in at noon. The submissive turned his phone off, letting it drop from his hand to the floor as he contemplated what to do. He had many hours to kill.

Ethan eventually stood, deciding the best he could do was take a walk. He'd learn the neighborhood, meet some people. He'd only taken the same few routes to get to work or to the store.

He finally got a good look at himself. His shirt was inside out and backward, while his pants' zipper was wide open. He flushed at his horrible appearance, taking off last night's work uniform.

Ethan quickly slipped into a tight t-shirt and soft cloth shorts. He wouldn't do anything excessive with how sore he still felt.

The burn would just help ease his mind off things. He descended his apartment's stairs, skipping the last step of each flight down.

He walked for a good two hours before his body felt on the point of shattering.

He came home and swallowed many pain killers. Ethan's head spun, but he has 2 hours, at least.

He laid on the floor and closed his eyes, giving himself a half hour before fully getting concerned.

Word Count: 670

I wasn't quite sure what to write. I hope it's still a good chapter. Please let me know!

Have a good day/night!


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