14 - Their Weekend - Part 1

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Kate chipped in $20, leaving Ethan with $85 total to make his apartment less dead. This is after he factored in the cost of bills, groceries and other needs.

Who he now considered his closest friend had sectioned off the best stores in the area with the cheapest art supplies beforehand, saving them so many hours he thought he'd cry.

Their first stop of the day was a small little home art store. A small woman greeted them excitedly, nitpicking Kate's hair and thin body.

"Mamá, we're here for supplies. Como lo suficiente. Be happy I brought you a customer," Kate's Hispanic accent picked up.

The woman, Kate's mom, it seemed, made a sound of disapproval as she made her way to the art shelves.

"Don't mind her. She's tough, but she's a sweetheart - unless you insult her cooking. Nunca insultes la cocina de mi mamá," she shook her head quite solemnly.

Ethan watched all this with amazement. It was Kate's mom pulling random art supplies and putting them into bags that caught his attention.

"Mamá, we're going to other stores. We don't need that much," Kate hesitantly reached to stop her mother.

"Hush," and that was that. Ethan ended up not paying a cent while leaving with 5 bags of art supplies. He was certain he didn't need another store, but Kate insisted.

"We'll get more variety," she huffed, reaching for one of the plastic bags that her friend held.

He pulled his hand away. "I'm the gentleman here. I'll carry the bags. And besides, we don't need variety. Your mom had literally everything."

Kate rolled her eyes and cackled. "Yeah. Cause you're the 'man' in this friendship. And she didn't have everything."

"Can we at least stop and get breakfast? Oooo. Or, we could buy a bunch of snacks and head home?"

"We'll stop by to drop off the bags. I just feel we're missing something. You know?" She hummed in thought.

"But shopping will take foreverrr," He whined.

"You've been to one store," Kate rolled her eyes. "It's not even noon, and it's Saturday! You're going to more stores."

And so the day went. They made frequent stops at his apartment, usually one running up to drop the bags off and re-lock the door.

They finished by 2 in the afternoon, both exhausted from the hot sun and all the walking.

Kate ended up finding window gel clings in many colors and designs that she'd use later.

Ethan spent more than an hour in a pride section of a supportive art store, loving all the pins, stickers, and even flags. He spent over $25 in that store.

In the end, he ended up returning Kate's $20 with a dollar to spare. But they had also bought him a good supply of dinner meals, not that he ate much anyways.

Kate immediately began putting away the groceries while he worked on sorting the supplies.

He decided the themes of the rooms. Ethan then excitedly grabbed his new pride flag, raced to his room, and hung it on his bedroom wall.

It may have been the only furniture in the room for the moment, but it was beautiful.

He happily walked back out, spreading out the supplies in their areas.

Kate had made two warm up meals for them by the time he was done, steaming and filling the room with a delicious smell.

Cooked chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, and buttered corn. While it wasn't homemade, it was enough for the two tired adults.

They sat in silence as they ate, savoring their meal as time seemed to drift by.

Word Count: 661

Hi everybody!

I know I said the last one was the last chapter for the day, but I lied. I'm really bored. I'm not sure if I'll publish another one tonight, but I do plan on working on it.

Thank you for reading so far into the story!

Have a good day/night


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