21 - Sweet Tastes 🦖

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Ethan arrived to work earlier than he would've ever given himself credit for at the beginning of the year.

The entrance to the shop was already unlocked, making him wonder how long the man had been waiting for him.

He walked across the dark and quiet rooms until he came to the office, which gave a warm glow from the light inside. He softly knocked on the door, suddenly nervous it's not Chris.

"Come in," His deep, familiar voice rumbled.

The submissive swallowed thickly, taking a slow breath.

Now or never.

That's what this was. And he'd never regret his decision to step through the door. The man motioned between his legs, sitting at his office chair.

Ethan kneeled between them, following the silent command. He didn't understand how he always knew how to follow the man, but oddly, the world had them piecing together perfectly to finish their life puzzle.

"Were you good for me?" The rumble of a voice had a shiver shooting up the kneeling man's spine, pouting as he was reminded how long he had to wait.

"Yes." He swallowed thickly at his awkward tone. "S-Sir. Yes, Sir."

"Good boy," the praise only added adrenaline to the butterflies in his stomach. The ones that danced as if the very breath of the man were equivalent to every popular song made. "You wouldn't touch yourself when I promised such a good time this morning, yes?"

The boy yawned in the middle of his response, embarrassment finding its home on his cheeks. "I'm sorry, sir! I swear you're not boring me! It was just a late night -"

"Answer the question."

Ethan's mouth quickly slammed shut, and he shook his head. "I didn't touch myself." It was embarrassing, embarrassing to admit to another man, especially your boss.

"Good boy," the praise reenacted the actions it did before. "If you're tired, I guess we must wake you before we get started, hm?" His voice only dripped in satisfaction at the mere idea of teasing the boy longer. "Up, go sit on one of the chairs. You'll be naked and spread your legs far for me."

Ethan quickly stood and raced for the chair, stripping and tripping over himself. Christopher even had to threaten a whipping to get him to slow down.

He fidgeted under the dominant's gaze, who forced him to spread there. His cheeks, neck, and chest were now red as his dick twitched under the wanted attention. His body soaked it up while his mind weighed the options of running out the door without grabbing his clothes.

Eventually, the man stood from his chair and crossed to Ethan, using his hand to keep his legs spread when he lowered himself to his knees. All protests died in the submissive's throat when Christopher licked a quick swipe from base to tip, then swallowed his dick deep into his throat without warning.

He cried out and tried to buck, but his hips were only pressed harder to the chair. Chris expertly licked and sucked the length, teasingly pulling off and kissing around the base. Only to lick back up to the mushroom shaped tip and suck hard, encouraging his seed to spill with tongue pressed against the slit.

Moans and pleas fell from his lips endlessly, his body wiggling and jerking from the pleasure building in his spine.

"Please!" He finally cried. He almost repeated until the man slowly pulled off his cock, wiping his lips before responding.

"Are you awake for me?"

Ethan breathed a deep breath through his nose as he caught his breath, already a light layer of sweat covering his body. "Yes."

Christopher nipped his thigh until he whined. "Are you needy to cum?"

His head jerked up and down in strict movements that one could only describe it as an attempt at nodding with so much lust filled in his head.

"I'm needy too," He trailed hickeys and teeth marks along his thighs and just above his crouch. "And I have an amazing idea on how to get us both off this morning."

The time indicated they had many hours before another coworker even arrived, and Ethan knew exactly how he wanted to spend it.

Chris had changed their position, forcing the submissive to bend across the desk and grip the edge. The man walked around the desk, reaching into a drawer and pulling out a lubed condom.

He barely unzipped his pants to pull his cock out and slide the condom on his cock. Ethan felt the man tremble behind him when his cock pressed against his hole.

"Grip the edge of the desk for me, love. The beginning will hurt, but I promise the most amazing pleasure if you bear with me." His words did little to comfort as the submissive tightly gripped the edge, groaning as his hole stretched uncomfortable around the large intrusion.

A long, pitiful whine was his final response when Chris bottomed out inside him. The lubed condom helped, but not as much as if he were to be stretched with fingers.

"I know, love," the man held Ethan's hips still as he adjusted. Christopher reached around to slowly stroke his dick, feeling the resistance that much less. "That's it, good boy."

Slowly, Ethan unclenched and allowed his partner to move. It started slow, his hips as slow as his stroke.

When he picked up his pace, so did the friction on his dick. Soon, the submissive was moaning freely; the pleasure becoming overwhelming. Then Chris switched angles. It plowed the very tip of his dick into Ethan's prostate.

The sound the boy made was animalistic. It wasn't the sound of a sweet shop worker or the sunshine of many people's sunshine. It was the sound of a desperate slut being fucked perfectly.

"That's the spot, hm, love?" The question went unanswered as the desk shook from their fucking, as Ethan neared his released.

"Fuck! Please, please, please, please.." He melted into a puddle of begging and moans, grinding back harder to get more friction.

A minute went by. Two. Three. Ethan continued to beg as Christopher held him on edge.

Then, the avalanche swept across him. "Cum," the dominant growled. He filled the condom to brim as his dick jerked wildly inside the boy's tight hole.

Ethan gasped for breath as his body locked tight, his dick pressing tightly against his chest as he shot sperm across the desk's wall.

They still had many hours left in the morning, and Chris had many more ideas for their time.

Word Count: 1,125

Hi everyone! How's chapter? I decided Chrisopher & Ethan needed some quality time together. Let me know what you think in the comments! Thank you!

Have a good day/night!


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