19 - A date?

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(Klyvin, Ethan's puppy, is the picture at the top. An actual picture of my Morkie.)

Months flew by quickly, and Ethan's relationships with both Christopher and Jasper kept growing more and more intimate.

Neither side had brought up a relationship, but the small worker couldn't help guilt creep in as he felt himself falling deeper for them both.

He had fallen into a regular routine for both work shifts, giving him enough time in the week to relax or spend time with Kate.

The regular routine soon got old, as his eyes soon gained bags under them. He fell out of eating and sleeping, working over time til the point he was forced on paid leave (by a guilt-tripping best friend).

But it seemed to have fixed him. The day he returned, he had a better attitude. He even shared photos - with the small group of friendly coworkers he made - of his new Morkie, Klyvin (c-lie-vin).

The puppy had been a new thing on his plate, now that he'd settled-ish into town. He knew he had to buy furniture. But who needed furniture when your puppy only had 6 toys?

Actually, at work, it's all he ever talked about. New puppy this, new puppy that. He was almost sounding like a new mother, but he didn't have the nine month build-up - he instead had the decision-making skills of a 7 year old.

As Ethan was busy washing dishes, worrying about his puppy all all at home, Christopher lightly pressed his palm against his shoulder to gain attention.

"I was wondering..er. I was hoping if you'd.. You see I-..," the usually confident man stuttered and rephrased his sentence more times than Ethan could count. "What are your plans for this evening?"

"Mmm, probably just me and Kylvin with some cartoons." The submissive smirked, putting the dish to the side to face the man fully.

His face had a slight tint of pink to it - the only sign that he was embarrassed, or maybe shy.

"I was hoping if you'd.. You don't have to.. I was just.. " The man began stumbling stupidly again.

"Sounds lovely. How does Italian sound?" Ethan finished for him with a soft smile.

"Perfect," Chris nervously licked his lips, a habit that was already so adorable. "I'll pick you up at 7?"

"I can't wait." And for once, he couldn't.

Christopher arrived right on time, almost as if he stood at the door for 3 minutes, waiting for the exact time of 7 o' clock.

He was glowing with excitement when the submissive opened the door. He wore a tight, white t-shirt and black, leather pants. Expensive black shoes and matching coat with his hair neatly gelled back had Chris's date drooling through the door's peephole.

He had flowers in his hand, but the stems had crumpled from how much he had nervously tightened and untightened his fist.

Ethan opened the door slowly, stepping into view. A white crop-top with a braided tie in the front covered his chest, while tight, black jeans hugged his ass.

He wore light make-up, black piercings shining in the light. The submissive could've sworn he saw the man's third leg twitch in his pants but ignored it.

Christopher quickly shoved the crumpled flowered into his face, quickly muttering how he didn't know the 'proper etiquette', and he wanted to do something nice.

It was a sweet gesture, which they both had a quick laugh about.

"I'll add them to a cup, real quick. But next time, bring the chocolates," He winked and giggled as he walked into his apartment, but the dominant had already taken note of it.

Word Count: 653

Don't worry! The next chapter will be about the date! Eventually, they'll begin dating!

I'm sorry I'm taking so long. It's been a longer week than expected!

Have a good day/night!


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