9 - Shop's Regular

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Ethan paced the counter; everybody seemed to be looking at him. Christopher had left a while ago to deliver a large order to a business meeting, officially leaving him alone with people he didn't know.

Customers came and went, him easily filling orders. He barely made any mistakes this time.

For about a half hour, the rush dialed down. He was able to clean up a lot of the messes that were made throughout it all.

He heard the bell ring, another customer walking in. "I'll be with you in a moment."

"Take your time," the man responded. He sounded so familiar. Ethan brushed it off as nothing, put on some gloves, and faced the customer.

"What can I get fo-", he stopped mid-sentence. The man in front of him was Jasper, a smirk clear on his face.

Ethan's face flushed crimson as his mouth opened and closed. His brain was at a loss of what to say. Nobody ever warned him of randomly meeting a hook up at his work!

"If you sell anything close to what I had a few nights ago, I might just be your next biggest investor," Jasper attempted a joke.

But it only had more heat rushing to the worker's face, memories of that night flashing instantly in his mind.

"My coworker will be out in a moment to assist you," He ended up mumbling, escaping to the back. His coworker grumpily went out and helped him.

But instead of leaving, Jasper sat down at a booth. Even ordered a dessert.

"What's your deal? He's just a regular," His coworker, he didn't care the name of, roller their eyes.

"Regular?" He squeaked. "He comes here regularly?"

"Every day. No usual time, though," His coworker walked off to the bathroom.

Ethan's shift only lasted another hour. He knew he'd be able to hide in the back until then. Embarrassment flooded him even more.

He was hiding from somebody who probably had given him the best night of his life. Shouldn't he say thank you? Or something?

Ever so slowly, he made his way back to the front. Unfortunately, not many customers came after that. The ones that did only had short orders.

The place was dripping in awkward silence and random noises coming from all the machines.

Eventually, Ethan spoke up, "How's your day?"

"It's been fine, long. Yours?" Jasper sipped from his cup.

"About the same." The heavy silence fell into its place again.

"You never texted me," Jasper eventually hummed a few minutes later.

"What?" Ethan was caught off guard, wiping down the counter with a wet cloth.

"I told you to text me when you got home. You didn't," Jasper shifted in his seat to look at the worker.

"I- I forgot. Some things happened at home," He shrugged it off. "I didn't think it'd be important. It was only a night."

He played it off as nothing but his heart pounded in his chest heavily. He saw how the regular considered this for a few minutes.

"You're right. I just like to know they got home safe. It was late," the man backed off on the topic, but light conversation flowed between the two easily.

They talked about interests and their current positions in life. He learned quite a bit about Jasper. His favorite color is purple, and he runs a few clubs. He shared what happened to his new home and how he just started two jobs.

Eventually, Chris returned to release Ethan of his shift. He said goodbye to both men and left for his house, excited to leave the day behind.

Word Count: 655

I'm thinking of writing all weekend, then working on a different story idea.

Please be patient if I randomly lose motivation someway throughout the story. I am trying; sometimes, my mental health deflates.

Tell me what you think of the story!

Have a good day/night!


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