20 - Sweet Talker 🦖

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Christopher had chosen a nice restaurant, taking Ethan's craving for Italian into consideration.

His protests started when the dominant opened the car door for him, then again at the restaurant's door. He put his foot down when Chris tried pushing his chair in, claiming he wasn't a 'damsel in distress'.

But then he glanced at the menu. It was laminated and printed neatly. There were no food stains to be found. That's when Ethan took a full glance at the price tag.

He choked on his spit, quickly coughing into his arm and sending everybody who stared an apologetic look.

Thankfully, his date didn't say anything as he quickly scanned the menu for anything cheap. The lowest thing he found was definitely not English, and probably cost more than his rent.

Ethan captured a quick breath before slowly folding the menu and setting it down on the table. Everything about this place reminded him he didn't belong.

Hell, he even noticed a small hole in his shirt that definitely wasn't meant to be there. Shame quickly colored his cheeks, and he bowed his head to hide it.

But Christopher caught his movements, and a hand crossed the table to cup his chin, bringing his face back into view. "Why are you hiding from me?"

The question was bold and only made the heat in his cheeks flare more. He was publicly showing affection when they hadn't discussed any term of relationship.

"The menu," He harshly mumbled, glancing down at the menu. "I can't.. I don't know what to get."

The man hummed in thought and nodded in sympathy. "Anything specific you like? From a restaurant you go to?"

Ethan thought for a minute. "Spaghetti?"

Chris huffed a humorless laugh and shook his head before folding his own men. He placed his on top of Ethan's, and they talked peacefully about their day until a waitress arrived.

She greeted them politely, going through everything professionally before listening to Ethan's date ramble a bunch of nonsense in a probably made-up language. She complimented the order then rushed away.

"What'd you order?" He asked, resting his check onto the palm of his hand, his elbow pressed against the table.

"You wanted spaghetti," the man answered simply and vaguely, telling him all other attempts on getting an answer would be futile.

Ethan pouted, glaring at him as he wondered how many plants had to waste their lives for a plate of spaghetti in this overpriced restaurant. From what he learned in his 7th grade foods class, a lot.

"Don't look at me like that," Chris growled lowly, his eyes unreadable.

"Why not?" His face barely moved on the question.

"Because I'm a hairline away from bending you over this table and fucking you into oblivion." Ethan could moan at the words. He felt himself squeeze his legs close, his hands gripping the edge of the seat as he scooted closer to the table.

"Aren't you just a sweet talker?" His words died as they left his lips.

A knee pressed between his thighs, a silent command to open them. He obeyed silently. Chris made a soft, approving sound that almost had Ethan doing the splits to hear it again.

He pressed closer to his crotch, barely inches away. Ethan held his breath as he waited, but his hopes vanished.

Christopher quickly pulled away when the food arrived, leaving the submissive lustful and needy. The waitress arrived with the food, setting the steaming played in front of them.

Spaghetti did indeed sit in front of him, just wasn't what he was expecting. Diced vegetables were sprinkled with expensive hamburger and sausage, all laying on a nest of noodles with everything covered in red sauce.

His senses were overwhelmed as he cautiously picked up the fork and swirled it in the middle of the mess. He twirled until no more noodles got caught in the tornado, then brought it up to his lips.

Ethan carefully blew until he decided it had cooled off enough to eat. "Pha pha pha pha pha, phhhhhhhhh! Pah pah." He made awkward noises as the spaghetti burned him.

He looked up embarrassed to see Christopher holding back a grin, his body visibly shaking as he held back his laughter.

"It's not funny!" Though Ethan joined him.

His laughter quickly ended Jasper's leg returned between his legs. Instead of teasing up his thighs, the man seemed content on pressing straight on the bulge in his pants.

He squeaked so high pitched that it was a shock the human ears picked up on it at all. The man across from him smirked, then made a motion for him to continue eating.

Slowly, he followed the silent command. He sloppily ate his spaghetti, most of his brain focusing on the unrelenting pressure on his passed-hard dick.

"Please," the submissive softly whispered as a plea. A plea he shouldn't ask for.

"Eat you spaghetti, and I'll decide."

The dinner passed by without any more complaints, though Ethan squirmed endlessly to gain more and less friction at the same time.

Finally, the food was taken away, and the bill was brought.

Christopher didn't let him see the cost, but he knew well that it'd be double his paycheck.

Ethan waited patiently in the car for attention. But Christopher promised him a fun morning if he arrived to his next shift early.

He could wait 2 days to get fucked. He couldn't recall a time he'd been so excited for a shift.

Word Count: 951

A bit of a teaser, I'm sorry. But it'll be fun to read when I eventually write the chapter!

Remember to try to have a good day/night!


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