6 - Rough Night

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His phone buzzed in his palm. 'Unknown Caller' flashed on the screen.

Half awake, he answered and mumbled a greeting, "Hello?"

"We currently have one available. Are you still needing assistance?"

Ethan jolted awake. "Yes! Yes, please!"

"Alright. He'll be over shortly."

His phone flashed brightly when she hung up, showing that it was currently 11:30 pm. 5% battery remained.

He groaned and stood off the wet floor, stretching his still sore muscles. He had work tomorrow.

It was 11:52 when Ethan finally heard a knock on the door. He walked over excitedly, opening the door to let them in.

"Thank you so much. You don't realize how much this means to me.-"

The man stood infront of Ethan, taking up much of the door way. He felt trapped inside his own home.

Overweight with a thick, unkept beard and an almost permanent, creepy, lustful look in his eyes had Ethan wanting to run for the hills.

"Yeah, yeah. What's the issue?" The man's voice practically created the small of cheap beer and cigarette smoke mixed together.

"I-I- don't really know. I came home today and everything was..soaked." The best explanation he's ever given by that point.

The man groaned. "Who's the owner?"

"Uhm..Uh. Jack. Jack Wellman. But what do I do til then?"

"Call him. Ask him for a new apartment until this is fixed."

Ethan gritted his teeth but pulled out his phone and quickly called. "Pick up..please pick up."

He continued to quietly beg as Jack didn't pick up his three next calls.

"Fourth one's the try?" He asked nobody as he pressed call again.

"Hello?" The man groaned into the phone.

"Hey. Hi. Uhm. How're you, Jack?"

"Why are you calling me, Ethan?"

"The apartment is soaked. I don't have anywhere else to go." His phone buzzed as another battery life percentage left his phone.

He needed to cry. He needed a good break down. But he couldn't. He's an adult now. It'll be fine.

"God. Uh. Give me a minute." Ethan heard shuffling on the other line. Most likely Jack getting out of bed. "I'll be there soon, okay?"

Ethan nodded, even if he couldn't see him. "Yeah, see you in a few." He felt hesitant to hang up, biting his bottom lip nervously, but he knew Jack would be there.

Jack showed up in sweatpants and a half thrown on hoodie. He held a half asleep Ethan up with one shoulder, handling the costs and possible solutions until they were able to get a real look.

In the end, everyone left the apartment to finish off their nights asleep and deal with everything in the morning.

Ethan half-awoke on the ride to Jack's home, then again when he was half-carried to the guest bedroom.

The next morning began a rough start. His body refused to wake up when his alarm went off. The bed was warm and comfortable; the best sleep he had gotten in years.

But the realization that he hadn't switched clothes in a few days ruined the fantasy of sleeping in for a few more minutes.

He did the best he could not to disturb Jack, seeing at the man was nice enough to plug in his phone. He wrote a quick note as a thank you, promising to pay him back.

Then, called himself an Uber and got himself to work.

Word Count: 617

Hello everybody!

I know it was a shorter chapter but I have written a lot in the past two days. I'll come up with more ideas and try writing more!

I'm always looking for chapter/story ideas!

Have a good day/night, everyone!


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