25 - Throuple

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The words sunk in slowly for the two men next to him, his heartbeat picking up pace as they exchanged looks he couldn't read.

His heart stuttered at the hesitant look in both their eyes. It was a stupid ide-

Jasper pulled him in for a soft kiss, pulling back to apologize, but Ethan kissed him back before he could.

Christopher chuckled as he walked over, sitting on the grass to get his share of the kisses. "I think, maybe, it could work. If we put the effort in."

Eventually, Ethan had to say goodbye to his new boyfriends to feed his son. God, he loved the word. Boyfriends.

Boyfriends. Boyfriends, boyfriends, boyfriends.

He grinned like an idiot while feeding Klyvin. While walking Klyvin. While bathing Klyvin after the little puppy jumped into a massive mud puddle.

It got to the point that the Morkie barked at him until he stopped. Apparently, fathers weren't allowed to focus on other men.

When he snuggled up on the couch - which he had gotten quite cheaply with Kate's help along with other furniture - popcorn in a small bowl and the remote at his side, a sudden message rang in his phone.

The ring tone was loud enough to wake the sleeping princess, who stretched and slipped under a blanket with a small growl.

Jasper had created a small group chat with him and Christopher. Their contact names still stuck with the messages they sent.

He couldn't help but giggle at the caring commands they already gave. He sent a message that he'd do whatever he pleased.

He was left on read.

Now, 12 minutes later, he was trapped between two dominants on the couch, who jumped at his every move. When Ethan went to the bathroom, his partners tried to come with him, and that was when he put his foot down.

"I'm not fragile," He grumbled, moving to the kitchen with the two on his tail.

"But you are bratty and love obeying. Which makes it impossible to know if you're going to be good or not," Ethan rolled his eyes at Jasper's explanation, earning a soft pat to his ass in warning.

"Can I at least get dinner going? Or is the stove too hot for me?"

Christopher gasped in fake shock. "You're right! There's danger everywhere! Quick, we must protect you!"

With that, Ethan was swiftly picked up and rushed to the living room. He fought the best he could, but his limbs were quickly pinned down to his side.

Jasper and Christopher worked well to wrap him in a blanket. It was tight enough to keep him trapped, even as he wiggled to get free.

"Guys!" He laughed, his lungs burning from the amount he's pushed them. "I really need to make dinner!"

Instead, Chris carried him while Jasper dug around to cook up a meal. He decided on spaghetti, and that's how the cooking was spent.

Eventually, Ethan wriggled himself free and threatened to never talk to them again if they tried anything.

In the end, the evening was peacefully spent watching movies.

Word Count: 550

This one is quite short. But I didn't have a clue how to write this one. Too many other plans. I hope it's still enjoyable!

Have a good day/night!


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