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--*Next Day*--

Luna Pov

I was sipping my wine looking at my club ahh....this is my empire I build it in my own I have a proud smirk on my face the strippers and dancers of my club was practicing for night shows

The club is closed it only opens in night time the best thing us Viba Club is the very famous and VIP level of club and it get possible only cuz of me and Liana in whole Seoul everyone knows that Liana is the owner of club

Only mafias,criminals and underworld people's knows that I am the real owner of this club I was thinking all this when I felt a presence sitting infront of me in the chair I turned and saw a annoyed Liana

Luna:who make you annoyed like that girl *sips wine*

Liana:for god sake Luna it's day time stop sipping wine *snatch the glass*

Luna:yaa....ok cool down tell me what happened *concern tone*

Liana:the officer who was about to join will come after 3 months so for then we have to wait and after that we can lure him in our trap *rolls eyes*

Luna:that's it? *hold her hand*

Liana:aghh.....I hate that Hoseok he again spreader rumors in underworld that I am his fuck partner *annoyed tone*

Luna:hmm.....I see its ok calm down we will see him today in the evening *smirk*

Liana:you mean we will go in her area *widen eyes*

Luna:umm....I will never allow a random boy to tarnish my bestie reputation *takes out cigarette*

Liana:ahhh...please Luna atlese don't do these things in daytime *snatched cigarette*

I chuckled at her actions and obeyed her words she always tells me to avoid these things atleast in daytime but I am a bitch who never listens to anyone so nevermind

Liana:are we go there alone? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:nah......we will go with Jimin and Jennie *smile*

Liana:what about Lisa and Yoongi? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:if they want they can join us *smile*

Liana:I see....well ok it's hoping to be fun for sure *smirk*

Luna:afterall it is planned by none other then Kim Luna *smirk*

We both was laughing and looking at eachother hmm....she is really very precious for me she cares for me like I am her daughter I chuckled at my thoughts

Liana:Luna you ok? *concern tone*

Luna:obviously Liana what will I think? *smile*

Liana:by the way if you're free then should we go to Jimin warehouse *smile*

Luna:why?I mean is there something important? *raised eyebrow*

Liana:no....actually as a sidekick Yoongi told me to meet him so I thought to bring you with me *smirk* friend so clever ok give me a minute let me change first *smile*

Liana:sure go ahead wear something beautiful *sips wine*

I chuckled at her saying and walked towards my personal room in bar well I still remember how I met Liana and Jimin I mean Jennie is also close to me but not more then Jimin and Liana they both are very close to me when I met them I have nothing so yeah I can say that we are together fromvery long time

I take out a black dress and wore it then I checked myself in mirror hmm....beautiful now let's go and let me show my charm but nevermind he never looks at me aghhh...its ok I walked outside and we both leaved for Jimin warehouse on my way I was just thinking about Yoongi ahh....I really want to meet him

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