It's Him!.33

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--*One Week Later*--

--*Night Time*--

Luna Pov

Today finally I will catch the betrayer I was getting ready and as well as Jin I don't know why but my heart is beating very fast seems like something worse is going to happen i shrugged off my thoughts and again looked at myself

I already told Jin that I will watch the performance from upstairs I don't want to be close to betrayer cuz what if he will recognize me this final step I can't take any risk I was in my thoughts when suddenly Jin backhugged me and kissed my neck look.......looking very beautiful princess *smile*

Luna:I always looks beautiful Master *smirk*

Jin:hmm....I have a guest to attend or else I will surely loved you in my way *bites her earlobe*

Luna:seems like you want to skip the dinner and want to spend sometime with me *hands around his neck*

Jin:well I surely did it but today I am going to receive very confidential information *smile*

Luna:that's why you're happy? *raised eyebrow* can say so *fixes his shirt*

Luna:i am also very excited for today's dinner *smile*

Jin:well now I am going down he will arrive anytime ok? *smile*

He smiled and walked out of room towards the living room to check the arrangements I exhaled trying to relax myself and covered my face with chain mask then I walked out of room towards my couch which is placed in upstairs

From here I can see living room very clearly there were two couch placed one for Jin and one for him I don't know why but I am feeling very nervous all of a sudden I feel like something bad is going to happen I again calmed down myself

Soon the times passed and I saw a man walking inside the mansion my eyes were on his foot I don't know why but I can't feel courage to look at his face after gathering some courage I finally looked at his face and I can feel my world stopping for a moment

It's boyfriend, my love Min Yoongi i can feel my breath getting heavy I saw him hugging Jin while smiling then his eyes fall on me and our eyes get locked with eachother it's good that my face is covered

He rolled his eyes and I saw him sitting beside Jin soon the performance of dancers get started they both was looking at the performance and here I am looking at him I lost the game of love I lost myself today not fully but most of the part of myself I saw him giving a envelope to Jin

I saw a maid who was going downstairs I stopped her and looked at her I wanted to say something to her but I am still recovering from what I just saw but I have to complete this misson as well I again looked at the maid and said

Luna:go and give this letter to Jin *serious tone*

Maid;ok Ma'am as you say *bows* go ahead *smile*

Jin Pov

We both was watching and enjoying the performance the envelope full of informations is in my hand now after investing more I will arrest them after someday then I will start my life with her I looked at upstairs and saw her looking at the performance

A smile always comes in my face whenever I think about her I am happy finally I have someone who cares for me I am sure whenever God sees her with me he surely think how much precious thing he gave me in the form of her

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