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Luna Pov

I came out of washroom after a good bath and soon realised that I have no clothes here it's ok I will wear his clothes I walked towards his closet and take out a white shirt and wore I was just wearing a panty inside

Ahhh......I wish Yoongi will be here but ok after this mission we will spend more time together I laid on bed and started thinking about Jin umm.....maybe tonight we can do sex and after that he will trust me

I was busy in my thoughts when I heard the door opening sound I get up and sat on bed I saw Jin was taking off his watch he lift up his face and our eyes met through the mirror he slowly turned towards me resting his hand on the dressing table

Luna:umm.....sorry I didn't have any clothes so I wore your shirt I hope it's ok *walks towards him*

Jin:I don't like sharing my things *looks at her* tomorrow I will return it for sure *smile*

Jin:but I want it right now *grabs her waist*

Luna:but how? *traced his chest*

Jin:you know it but still trying to act cool? *leans towards her face*

Luna:maybe cuz I rely don't know how *doe eyes*

Jin:Luna you're looking very good in my cloth *whispered in her ear*

I gulped hearing his deep voice in my ear umm....ok...seems like I am getting needy slowly his hands moved on my body trying to feel me we both was very close to eachother I leaned towards his neck and licked it

Jin:so you really want it? *whispered*

Luna:well you also want the same thing *licks his neck*'re right tho *closed eyes*

He slowly moved towards my face and kissed me passionately um...ok....I am feeling strange maybe cuz I am doing this type of work after 3 years ahh....its ok Luna don't forget you're a seducer you have power to make man's kneel infront of you

I smirked thinking this and grabbed his neck I deepen the kiss and he was not able to match my pace after sometime we both backed off and both was panting hard still looking at eachother he chuckled and pulled me close to him

Jin:don't be so impatient taste me slowly afterall you're not going anywhere now *hold her chin*

Luna:I am not impatient you're impatient *rolls eyes* bold *chuckles*

Luna;I am just like that and yes you got a very unique mistress Mr.Kim *smirk*

Jin:I like unique people's I keep them very close to me *lips almost touching*

Luna:but I am not one of them who stays close to you *traces his chest*

Jin:don't worry if you'll not stay close to me then I will stay close to you *smile*

Luna:these sweet type words doesn't suits you *rolls eyes*

Jin:yaa.....I am just trying to be a gentleman *pout*

Luna:I am your mistress Mr.Kim so treat me like that not like some important person *sarcastic tone*

Jin:you're my first mistress and trust I really want to act like a rude man infront of you but I can't able to do it *kissed her passionately*

He was again kissing me passionately and sucking my lower lip fuck I am feeling wet his one hand moved towards my hip area he lift up my shirt from behind and spanked me I moaned in the kiss he moved towards my neck sucking me harshly

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