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--*Next Day*--

Liana Pov

I was walking towards Luna room she told me to call Jin and give him informed so I am just doing it I walked insideand saw her sitting infront of mirror combing her hair damn my Luna is for sure the beautiful girl in this world

Luna;good morning Miss.Shin *eyes on mirror*

Liana:good morning Queen Bee *chuckles*

I took my phone and changed the Sim card then I dialed his number and as I thought he didn't picked up at one ring I rolled my eyes and again dialed his number this time he picked it up and I changed my voice

--*In The Call*--

Jin:hello who's is this? *serious tone*

Liana:your well wisher *calm tone*

Jin:wrong number *calm tone*

Liana:the drug deals happens in Viba Club maybe the owner knows something about it or saw the drug queen *serious tone*

Jin:I said wrong number *hang up*

--*Call End*--

What the fuck did he really just hung up the call I looked at Luna with annoyed face she smirked and walked towards me she stood infront of me she slowly leaned towards my face and I gulped looking at her

Liana:you won't kiss me right? *gulped*

Luna:no way bitch *laughs*

She fixed something on my earing and backed off there was a smirk in her face wait what's going on she sat beside me and said

Luna:this is the hidden microphone when you'll be infront of Jin I can able to hear what you both are talking also you'll able to hear my voice as well *smile*

Liana:but he didn't believed in me-

Luna:he did Liana trust me in few hours he will be here to arrest you *hold her hand*

Liana:ok....and then what? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:you'll make the offer and for then I will decorate the private room you will send him there and I will lure him in my beauty trap *smirk*

Liana:cool.....I am excited Luna *excitedly*

Luna:its visible in your face darling *smile*

After sometime I walked out of her room and sat on bar counter calmly wiating for police to come and arrest me I poured some whiskey in glass and started sipping it Luna already told the dancers that if anybody will ask about the club owner then say my name

Well......after many years th8s type of intresting plan cooked inside Luna mind I am very happy for this change i was drinking my whiskey when I saw few constables walking inside damn my Luna is really very smart I smirked internally

Constable:Miss.Shin you have to come with us to police station *calm tone*

Liana:wait why should I? *annoyed tone*

Constable:our head officer have to some questions about your club *serious tone*


Constable;just come with us *cuffed her hand*

They put a handcuff around my wrist and dragged me out of club and moved towards the police station ahh......its going to be fun and I am sure about it soon we reached to police station and he again dragged me inside a cabin

I sat on chair and they walked away suddenly I heard a voice from my behind I turned back and saw Seokjin looking at me while his hands were inside his pocket he slowly locked the door and walked towards the chair infront of me

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