Head Officer.21

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--*Next Day*--

Author Pov

A man with jet black hair walked inside the police station his shirt was white and jeans was black there was a file in his hand he rolled his eyes and threw the file towards his assistant who is also the senior officer

He catched it perfectly the man walked inside his cabin and sat on his chair his eyes fell on his name board and he smirked looking at his name board in which was written "Head Officer=Kim Seokjin" he closed his eyes when his assistant said

??:Sir......why you threw this file on me? *raised eyebrow*

Jin:hey......Kim Mingyu isn't it obvious I want you to solve it cuz I am not intrested in this case *closed eyes*

Mingyu:but.....why?I mean you're the head officer *rolls eyes*

Jin:so?I am not a public servent I work for myself and that's the fact *smirk*

Mingyu:Sir what if headquarters will get to know that you take bribe? *raised eyebrow*

Jin:who will tell them?let me guess you? *looks at him*

Mingyu:obviously I will not Sir I don't want to make you my enemy *looks down*

Jin:good....and now go ahead get ready I get the tip that soon a truck full of kidnapped people's is leaving for Daegu we have to stop it *closed eyes*

Mingyu:Sir.....from where you get these tips? *widen eyes*

Jin:I have my ways Mingyu now don't ask more questions and do what I tell you to do *side eyeing him*

Mingyu:ok.....as you say Sir *bows*

Jin Pov

Saying this he walked away ahh.......I really want to know who is the real owners of Drug Dealing, Human Trafficking and Illegal Arms Dealing but that basterd is not telling me now how much money I have to stuff in his mouth I rolled my eyes thinking this

I relaxed myself and walked out of my cabin to see how the officers are working I walked towards the cell area and saw some girls locked up there I smirked slightly and called a guard with figure gesture he came and stood beside me

Jin:why these girls are here? *eyes on girls*

Guard:Sir complain of stealing is filed against them *calm tone*

Jin:what they stealed? *walks close to cell*

Guard:some money from the locker of the owner *calm tone*

Jin:hmm...ok....you can go now *side eyeing the guard*

I walked little more closeto the cell and the gaze of girls diverted towards me I looked at them they was scared cuz of the atmosphere of jail hmm.....seems young let me just ask there age

Jin:what's your age girls? *looks at 2 girls*

Girl 1:I-I am 21 years old *scared tone*

Girl 2:I-I am 22 years old *scared tone*

Jin:ohh.....I am Kim Seokjin the head officer I am 29 years old and don't be scared it's not I will eat you both *pout*

Girl 1:s-sir w-we di-did wrong and we agree please spare us *cries*

Jin:its not my work the court will decide but- *side eyeing them*

Girl 2:wh-what si-sir *hopeful eyes*

Jin:you both have to meet me tonight in my cabin and I will tell you the solution *smirk*

Girl 1;we will do anything just save us *crying*

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