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Liana Pov

It's already midnight time and I am in VIP section looking at the crowd and everything ahhh....Luna this club is missing you very badly I am also missing you very badly I just hope everything will go according to plan

I sipped my whiskey thinking all this aish.....Min Yoongi I can't wait to kill you I smirked thinking this suddenly my eyes fall on two familiar figures walking inside the club towards me I get up from the couch and walked towards them and as

I thought it's Hoseok and Lia I rolled my eyes and walked straight towards the meeting room they both also followed me I looked the door and and sat on the chair Lia and Hoseok also sat infront of me to be honest I really don't want to annoy myself more cuz of them

Lia:where is Luna? *calm tone*

Liana:she is gone somewhere it's only me here *sips whiskey*

Lia:I wanted to talk to her about something *calm tone*

Liana:you can tell me I will tell her when she will return *looks at her*

Lia:actually my shipments and deals are getting ruined-

Liana:you think Luna is doing this? *glared*

Lia:no......I know she will never play cheap tricks also in these 5 years I realised that she likes fare game *smile*

Liana:good *sips whiskey*

Hoseok:you really think Lia talking to her is worth it *glard at liana*

Liana:well....talking to you is obviously not worth it but she still talks to you everyday *smile*

Lia:calm down you both ahh....Liana i know infact almost whole underworld knows that Luna,Jimin and Jennie is also facing loss in there business and I agree my part is very small but we shouldn't forget that we four are the pillars of Seoul underworld *calm tone*

Liana:*sighs* I know Lia and after knowing about your business I am sure it's not only about Luna,Jimin or Jennie it's about the underworld someone wants to ruin the underworld empire which is ruled by you 4 *looks at her*

Lia:I really wanted to talk to Luna about this but ok I guess I should come sime other day well....Liana enmity between me and Luna is personal but it's about the underworld so yeah whatever Luna will decide I will support her *smile*

Liana:hmm.....I know Luna used to say that you'll surely support her when it will about Seoul underworld *smile*

Hoseok:well.....I am sure you're not sober or else you'll never smile like that *provoking tone*

Liana:I am sober that's why you're still standing there *smirk*

Lia:ok....stop it you both and Liana please tell Luna that I inviter her in Nimo Club with her team *smile*

Liana:sure and she will surley come *calm tone*

Lia:ok...then I guess I should take my leave *gets up from chair*

Liana:go ahead....be carefull and yes you can send your shipments to South America secretly till this matter,get solve *calm tone*

Lia:umm...thanks but I ant to hear this from Luna mouth and yes I am sure Luna is surley planning something good *walks away*

Hoseok:if somehow I will get to knew that's it's someone from your team then I will not leave you alive *leans towards her face*

Liana:I am not that easy to get killed *smirk*

Hoseok:whatever don't forget I am also killer *glared*

Liana:but in ranking you comes in No.3 I am always on No.1 *proud smirk*

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