Doubt on her.19

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--*Next Day*--

Jimin Pov

I walked out of car and stood infront of Viba Club I was staring at ut and there's no doubt I am proud of Luna soon one more car stopped and I saw Lisa walking out girl is here soon Jennie walked out of car fixing her glasses I smirked and walked towrads her

Jimin:good morning Princess *bows*

Jennie:hmm....stop it I am already disturbed *rolls eyes*

Jimin:umm....did I told your eyes seems like a maze and I always get lost in the maze *hold her chin*

Jennie:want to lost your life hmm....?I can help you *smile*

Jimin:ohhh......God you should've gave me some fear look this much beautiful girl is threatening me but hee I am drooling over her talks *dramatic look*

Jennie:ahhh.......Jimin let's get inside you're annoying me *pushed him lightly* you know the heaven of my dream in under your hair *touches her hair*

Lisa & Yoongi:the audacity of him flirting with time bomb will kill him one day *calm tone*

Jimin:ohhh....don't worry I think this time bomb likes me *wink to jennie*

Jennie:I don't know about myself but my gun Mike's you for sure *smirk*

Jimin:well.....I will not mind you loving me with you gun *smirk*

Yoongi:ahhh....let's get inside Jennie we can never win from the seducer *rolls eyes*

Jimin:don't forget you already fall for the seducer now who knows maybe she will also fall *licks his lip*

They both didn't said anything and just walked inside I chuckled and wore my glasses I also walked inside towards the meeting room Lisa and Yoongi hyung was about to walk inside but Liana was fast enough to stop them and yes her one glare is enough to stop anyone

Liana:only Jimin and Jennie is allowed inside *serious tone*

Yoongi:but I am here boyfriend *glared*

Liana:so?she is going to discuss very confidential thing with them she is not going to fuck them *galred*

Yoongi;but I am also Jimin assistant-

Liana:and as there assistant our job is to protect them but trust me he have no danger from Luna *walks towards him*

Yoongi:your gaze is changing towards me why so suddenly *tilted head*

Liana:my gaze towards everyone changes according to the situation *glared*

Yoongi:cool but if you knew at last she will share everything with me *whispered*

Liana:trust me she will not *smirk*

Yoongi:don't you know she is my darling she will-

Liana:stop your nonsense the main and final thing is she is Kim Luna 1st criminal leader of Korea and that's it no more discussion *smile*

Yoongi:this smile on your face is making me frustrated *rolls eyes*

Liana:then be frustrated I don't care now Jennie and Jimin go inside she is waiting *looks at them*

Wow.....the situation between Liana and hyung was good but seems like hyung really thinks that Luna is a fool I chuckled at my thoughts and walked inside with Jennie we saw her checking some files then she looked at us and smiled she walked towards the table and we three stood around table forming a triangle

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