New Girls.6

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--*Next Day *--

Luna Pov

I was walking towards my meeting room in the Viba Club Liana is out for some work I was looking at the club and smiling proudly ahhh.......this is my empire I build this on many lies, many dead bodies and many games

But my life have no guarantee and I will never allow any stranger to take over my empire after my death I smiled and sat on the couch like a Queen after sometime our regular criminal lawyer walked inside and bowed to me

Luna:hello....Mr.Jisung come sit please *point at the next couch*

He smiled and sat on the other couch infront of me he opened his briefcase and take out some files then slide them towards me I took those files and checked carefully there was a smile in my face

Jisung; you said I make the will according to this will if you don't have any son or daughter then after your death this club and your drug business will be give to Miss.Shin Liana *calm tone*

Luna:hmmm.....thanks Jisung *eyes on file*

Jisung:but why you didn't told anyone about this Mam? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:it's just I know she will never agree for that if I tole her *chuckles*

Jisung:Mam have to say Viba Club is very important part of Seoul not only for mafias and criminals but also for rich people's, tourists and spoiled rich kids *smile*

Luna:I know it and I also know that I have many enemies after killing me there target will be Viba Club and I can't let it happen I build this empire in my sacrifices and after me only my blood or Liana can rule it that's it *proud smile*

Jisung:ok.....Mam I think I should take my leave now *bows*

Luna:yeah....sure by the way any news about the new police officer? *raised eyebrow*

Jisung:no....Mam there's no news about it seems like this post will be empty for a long time or maybe department is planning something *calm tone*

Luna:hmm....thanks now you can go *eyes on file*

He bowed and walked away doesn't matter whatever department is planning Me,Jimin,Jennie and Lia is enough to ruin there planning I rolled my eyes in annoyance

Yes, me and Lia have enmity but I am sure if it's about the safety and existence of criminals and mafias in Seoul then she will also help us and that's good tho atleast we can unite by something

I smiled and walked towards my locker I kept the file inside it and then walked towards my dancers they were practicing for tonight ahhh.....where are the new girls I was thinking about it suddenly I saw a group of 10-12 girls walking inside with a terrified face

Man:are you turtle move fast *pushed her*

Luna:what the fuck Jimin sold them to me and I don't like it when someone misbehaves with them apologise right now *glared*

The man lowered his eyes and apologisesd to the girl I signaled them to go outside and I walked towards the girl they were terrified amd that's normal I know that I tried to hold there hand but they flinched it's ok I will make them feel good

Luna:look.....from now on you all will dance here but I promise no one will touch you without your consent and if someone will do it then I will not live him *calm tone*

Girl:i-i want to go back home *teary eyes* can go if you want but you're matured think deeply will your parents welcome you? *calm tone*

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