Final Attack.40

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--*Next Day*--

Luna Pov

Today's the day I waited I will finish his game today no matter what I know it will hurt me but I don't care about it I want his dead body in my feet I loved him very purely but he cheated me I can never forgive him for that I wore my outfit and walked towards the old port

I walked inside and saw my team there without Yoongi I lied and walked towards them they was talking to eachother expect two Hoseok and Liana was just glaring at eachother I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat diverting there attention towards me

Jimin:finally you're here are you ok? *concern tone*

Luna:obviously I am it's just my abdomen is paining a little *calm tone*

Jennie & Lisa:her brother was rough for sure *looks at lia*

Lia:he is not my brother *rolls eyes*

Jennie:but truth can't be changed *chuckles*

Luna:leave all this and Liana focus on me and my plan stop glaring at him *serious tone*

Lia:same goes to you Hoseok stop glaring at her and listen the plan *serious tone*

Liana & Hoseok:ok fine *rolls eyes* all have yo hide perfectly I can't let him doubt me and once he will be lost in me Hoseok and Liana will capture him *serious tone*

Lia:once he will be captured we can do my and Jimin favorite thing which is torturing *smile*

Jennie:and what will I do? *raised eyebrow* and you can enjoy the show *chuckles*

Lisa:Luna i think you're taking him very easy *serious tone*

Luna:chill Lisa he never notices anything when I am infront of him *smirk*

Lia:damn.....let me see your face *hold her chin*

She hold my chin and looked at my face what the hell I blinked twice and then she said

Lia:there's no doubt your beauty trap is very dangerous *chuckles*

Luna:*chuckles* guys it's the time go and hide perfectly *serious tone*

As I said they all hide in the old port perfectly I was standing at the centre of port and soon my eyes fall on Yoongi he was smiling and walking towards me I also smiled and walked towards him he stood infront of me and pecked my lips eww....this feels so disgusting now when I know he is a cheater

Luna:I missed you *smile*

Yoongi:me too *smile*

Luna:so...should we go now *smile*

Yoongi:hmm....sure but before that let's talk a little more *creased her face*

Suddenly I felt a sharp tip on my throat he slowly leaned towards my lips and kissed ut then he walked behind me and said

Yoongi:come out you all or else she will be dead *smirk*

Well ok Lisa was right I was unbothered why?cuz he is behind me and if he knew that the real cannibal is behind him I smirked thinking that and soon I saw him lying on the floor

I turned and saw Hoseok and Liana looking at him slowly slowly Jimin,Lia,Jennie and Lisa also walked towards me he looked at us and started chuckling I bend little to his level and said

Luna:darling can I be your favorite?I'll be your girl, let you taste it,I know what you want, yeah, just take it *chuckles*

Yoongi:oh....darling you're already my favorite *bites his lip*

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