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Luna Pov

I was thinking about what Jin just said fuck my shipment was in risk thanks to Liana well I am sure after getting failed he surely met the person who gives him tip without thinking twice I opened my phone and checked the camera which I fixed in his shirt buttons

I watched the whole video but unfortunately the camera didn't able to capture the face of the betrayer but the voice ahhh.....its very familiar and now I am sure it's a male it's ok next week he is coming in dinner I will see who is it ahh....I will kill him

But wait it's a man but if the betrayer is one among us then we only have two male members Jimin and Yoongi who can be it I closed my eyes trying to shrug off the thoughts can't be one from them I am sure it's someone else little did I knew I am lying from myself

I walked downstairs towards the kitchen and started heating the food in stove my mind was still thinking about it ahh......I also have to talk to Liana maybe tomorrow will be good by mistakenly I grabbed the jot pot and it fell on floor I hissed in pain and looked at my burned finger

Jin:hey....Luna are you ok?where is your mind? *blows at her finger*

I didn't answered him anything he make me sat on the couch and put some cold cream on my finger he then bandaged my finger and pecked it I looked at him he smiled and sat beside me hugging me softly

Jin:what happened Luna? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:nothing...... *coldly*

Jin:liar.....its ok take your time *pecked her forehead*

Luna:Jin sorry the food-

Jin:its ok Luna we will order something the good thing is you didn't get hurt that much *smile*

Why I am feeling so bad?why it feels like I am giving him the hopes which is totally useless I looked at him and he was patting my back lovingly I rolled my eyes at myself and looked at my wound ahh....Liana will ask hundreds of question about it

Jin:what do you want to eat princess? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:don't call me princess and anything but something spicy *side eyeing him* ho and take rest I will clean the kitchen *smile*

Luna:no....I will help you *hold his hand*

Jin:obviously no you're hurt ok?take rest *smile*

He walked towards the messy kitchen and started cleaning it I was still sitting on couch looking at him will Yoongi ever do something like that for me?why suddenly form past few days I started questioning his love towards me?

Maybe it's just the difference between us or maybe I am realising the things which I ignored infront of my pure love for him I again looked at my wound.....will he treat me if I will get hurt?ahh.....maybe not

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine a situation like that and the person who came to help me was not Yoongi but Jimin probably cuz we are very good old friends I again looked at Jin he was humming a song and cleaning the dishes I slowly walked towards him and backhugged me

Jin:you feeling good?should we go to doctor? *concern tone*

Luna:no....I am good thanks *smile*

Jin:for what? *turns towards her*

Luna:for respecting me and taking care of me *smile*

Jin:no.....I will not accept thanks for this I need something else *leans towards her face*

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