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Luna Pov

We both was sitting inside the cabin on couch this cabin was small but comfy it has one couch, one television and one bed he turned on the television and played a movie it was an action movie and I am really loving it

Yoongi:you liked the movie? *looks at luna*

Luna:yeah.....its kind of intresting *eyes on television* know I always bring you here cuz this is like a comfort zone to me this place gives me mental peace *smile*

Luna:I can understand cuz have to say this place is very calm and silent *smile*

We both again get lost in movie time was passing slowly and I can sense that movie is going to end soon I missed him and I want to show it I want him to love me thinking all this I looked at him but he was busy in television

I slowly put my hands on his knees and looked at the television I can sense him looking at me I didn't said anything just creased his knee and slide my hands towards his crotch area before I can touch his clothed dick he hold my wrist and I looked at him

Luna:Oops.....wrong turn *smile*

Yoongi:yeah....very wrong *rolls eyes*

Luna:what to do I an forced by my habit *smirk*

Yoongi;i don't know what to say should I praise you for your actions or give you myself *leans towards her*

Luna:your choice in both cases I will be the one in advantage *smirk*

Yoongi:hmm....I will also be in advantage *creased her cheek*

Luna:you can't seduce a seducer babyboy *pushed him lightly*

Yoongi:can't seduce her but can control her *smirk*

Saying this he make me sat on his lap facing I gasped and he smirked more his hands was on my ass creasing it sensually my hands were on his shoulder which was slowly sliding to his chest I leaned towards his face and he said

Yoongi:you don't show your boldness infront of me why?? *rubs her lips*

Luna:I don't know maybe I like getting controlled by you *licks his thumb*

Yoongi:hmm.....did this pussy missed me? *pout*

Saying this he slapped my clothed clit and I moaned lightly he run his fingers on my curves sending goosebumps in my body making me feel very good but weak at the same time his hands moved towards my hair untying it

Yoongi:untied hairs, needy for me total my type *smirk*

Luna:ahh....Yoongi *closed eyes*

Yoongi:yes.....darling *grabbed her neck*

Luna:just kiss me once please *looks at him*

Yoongi:why should I hmm....? *backs off*

Luna:cuz I am your fucking girlfriend jerk *rolls eyes*

Yoongi:looks so hot cursing me *bites his lip*

I was about to say something but he was fast enough to put my lips in his mouth sucking the saliva along with my lipstick fuck I will lose it without his touch I traced my hands on his upper body after sometime we backed off

Yoongi:ahhh....Luna you like it when I make you weak right??? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:still doubting? *lips almost touching*

Yoongi:I feel satisfied hearing it from your mouth *licks his lip*

Luna:yes..........Yoongi I like it very much when you makes me feel weak, when you touches my body, when you takes my name sensually I fucking love these thighs done by you *threw her head back*

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