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Jin Pov

I walked towards the washroom and looked at my face in the mirror I am sorry Mom but I am not wrong honesty never gives us anything I wish you'll able to understand me I don't know how will I face you but ok I don't want to think about it

I wiped my face with face towel and walked back to living room area I saw her placing the cake in the centre of table with a smile on her face seeing her smile I also smiled and walked towards her she was still working unbothered by my presence

Jin:hey can't you see I am here *looks at luna*

Luna:I can see you very clearly Mr.Kim don't act like a child *laughs*

Jin:I am not a child I just wanted your attention on me *pout*

Luna:ok come here my dear child have my attention *smile*

I walked towards her and she hugged me tightly I was feeling very good in her embrace I also hugged her lovingly and pecked her forehead and we again diverted our gaze to the cake

Jin:so....youclike chocolate flavor cakes *eyes on cake*

Luna:yes I do now come on taste it and tell me how's it *excitedly*

We both grabbed the spoon and started eating the cake from two sides have to say it is very tasty I closed my eyes and groaned feeling the taste

Luna:how was it? *raised eyebrow*

Jin:its perfect Luna like yes I reall6 loved it *smile*

Luna:you know I also added some pieces of strawberry in cake did you get any? *raised eyebrow* those were strawberry cubes well I bited something while eating cake so I thought what can be it *calm tone*

Luna:you know you're very lucky that you can able to eat food cooked by me *sassy tone*

Jin:ohhh....thank God for giving me that much good reward of my deeds *teasing tone*

Luna:yaa.....don't tease me *hits him playfully*

Jin:I was just joking *laughs*

Luna:let me kill you and then I will joke with your soul *glared*

Jin:well....I am not easy to get catch *runs around*

I was running in the house and she was running behind me trying to catch me after running for sometime she sat in couch while panting hard is she ok?I walked towards her and sat beside hef she was panting very hard

Jin:hey....are you ok? *concern tone*

Luna:yeah....gotcha *grabbed his collar*

Jin:yaaaa.....that's cheating Luna I thought you're not ok *whined*

Luna:it doesn't matter I won let me kill you now *laughs*

She hovered over me and pinned my hand above my head we both was staring at eachother deeply she leaned near my lips and licked it sensually I whimper with this sudden action she backed off and smiled at me

Luna:do you want to take this further? *raised eyebrow*

Jin:no........I don't want your body everytime let's sleep peacefully I am sure you'll be tired *smile*

She sat on couch and I pucked her up in bridal style I make her lay on the bed and I also laid beside her she moved in my embrace hugging me tightly then she said

Luna:i am not feeling sleepy tell me a story *looks at him*

Jin:I am not a writer *chuckles*

Luna;then tell me stories about your encounter afterall you're police officer *kissed his neck*

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