Where is she?.27

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--*Night Time*--

Liana Pov

I was walking back and fourth in the club while thinking about Luna deeply ahh....I know she can manage it but I am still worried for her I can't even talk to her unless she visit here in Viba Club I closed my eyes trying to relax myself

My relaxation moment get ruined by some footsteps I opened my eyes and saw Yoongi walking towrads me oh....God why is here I don't want anyone around me expect Jimin and Luna at this type of situation he came and stood infront of me

Liana:will you bark now *rolls eyes*

Yoongi:don't talk to me like that *annoyed tone*

Liana:then how should I talk to you?didn't I told you all that I don't want anyone around me expect Jimin and Luna at this situation *yelled loudly*

Yoongi:I am not here to waste my time on you ok? *serious tone*

Liana:just say it Yoongi *rolls eyes*

Yoongi:where is Luna she didn't even text me from past 2 days *looks at liana*

Liana:Yoongi seems like you forget that beside being your girlfriend she is also the criminal leader of Seoul so yes she have many works beside talking to you *annoyed tone*

Yoongi:don't make me more annoyed Liana just tell me where is she *annoyed tone*

Liana:I don't trust you yes.....I am admitting it and that's why I can't tell you where is she *glared*

Yoongi;don't make me your enemy Liana *rolls eyes*

Liana:look.....I really don't care even if you'll become my enemy and about Luna so she is out in a mission she is out of Seoul *calm tone*

Yoongi:what?she is out of Seoul and she didn't even informed me once *yelled loudly*

Liana:as I said she is a leader and leaders have to do many things secretly also you don't own her she don't have to tell you everything *rolls eyes*

Yoongi:I am her boyfriend she have to tell me everything *leans towards her face*

Liana:no....she don't have to tell anyone about anything she is not a slave of someone and yes one more thing stay away from me *pushed him*

Yoongi:ahh...huh...why?I remember Me,You and Lisa used to be very good friend we used to drink together *looks at her*

Liana:time changes thing changes you become her boyfriend and started changing her which made me hate you also the situation in which I can't trust anyone expect Jimin and Luna *serious tone*

Yoongi:well let's forget for a moment that I am Luna boyfriend let's talk like a teammate you know i really think you're missing something *smirk*

Liana:just say it clearly Yoongi I am annoyed as fuck right now *gritting teeth*

He started walking around me which is making me more annoyed I grabbed his collar and pulled hik close to me he was smirking I rolled my eyes and finally he said

Yoongi:I think Hoseok is the one who is ruining our businesses *smirk*

Liana:well........do you have any prove? *raised eyebrow*

Yoongi:no but if you want we can find proof together *smile*

Liana:not intrested now get out *points at exit*

Yoongi:ok....ok Liana I am going but think about what I said ok *pats her shoulder*

He walked away and I closed my eyes ahhh......I know it's not Hosoek cuz one of our group is betraying us and also it's very hard for Hoseok to know every single detail of our deals and all I walked towards my room I really need some rest I didn't realised when I fell asleep

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