First Meet.12

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Luna Pov

Jimin:basically we met at Niyu Club *looks at luna*

Luna:right Niyu Club plays a big role in our life *smile*

Lisa:where is Niyu Club? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:I changed it and make it Viba Club *smirk*

Lisa:what really? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:yes *sips wine*

Lisa:then what? *raised eyebrow*

Jimin:I was forced to join the club as a pole dancer and she joined it by her choice we both met and slowly become good friends *smile*

Luna:then after some years I was sold to a drug lord of Seoul I played my game and slow poisoned him seeing the chance I make him sign the papers according to which his all properties and drug business become mine *smirk*

Liana:before meeting to that drug lord I was gone to Niyu Club to kill my target but I didn't knew police is behind me I totally loosed the hope but Luna saved me risking her own life from then I started living with her and Jimin *smile*

Jimin:so...yeah....that's it we always wanted to hear our names from people's mouth and we succeed in it *smile*

Yoongi:Jimin was forced but why you joined the club with your choice? *looks at luna*

Luna:I wanted to live independently I was 14 when I ran away from my house due to many reasons so yes I came to Seoul and joined the club by choice *sips wine*

Jennie:damn that slow poison thing was my favorite *smirk*

We all chuckled and again started talking I looked at Jimin and he was already looking at me well he knows that I didn't told the whole past to them well I remember our first meeting it was damn soon party ended and they started taking there leave

Jennie:bye Luna I have to go to my warehouse *smile*

Luna:bye take care of yourself *hugs her*

Yoongi:I am going Luna but tommrow be ready I will take you somewhere *pecked her forehead*

Luna:yes...I will be ready *smile*

Liana:let's go Luna you should rest now *smile*

Jimin:hyung you go I will be here with Liana and Luna *smile*

Yoongi:but why? *raised eyebrow*

Jimin:just for tonight *smile*

Yoongi:ok...... *looks at luna*

We three walked inside my room and sat forming a triangle we three looked at eachother and started laughing

Liana:you didn't told the whole past surely you have some reasons *hold her hand*

Luna:yes.....I don't want to remember my past that's why I didn't told them *smile*

Jimin:do you remember our first meet?you joined club when you was 16 before that you used to work in a cafe right? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:yes....I used to and I also remember our first meet that was very unique *laughs*

Liana:hey....let's talk about our past and refresh some memories *sips whiskey*

Luna:yeah.....sure why not *smile*

Jimin:remember the day when you joined the club for the first time *smile*

Luna:I do *calm tone*


Luna Pov

Rexi:welcome to Niyu Club girl I am the owner of this club *serious tone*

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