Old Feelings.24

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Luna Pov

I was looking at the view from window my mind is hazy with so many thoughts one of them is that what will Yoongi think after knowing this but it's not like I am cheating in him my heart is his about body so I never said that my body is also his

I sighed and closed my eyes to relax myself I don't even know how long this mission will go I turned towards Jin and saw him driving with focus ahh....he is 29 years old and I am just 26 it's ok it's only 4 years I wonder if he will able to give me orgasm or not

I rolled my eyes thinking this and seems like he saw me rolling my eyes he chuckled and his one hand moved towrads my thigh and he creased it softly I looked at him and I realised that his side profile is damn like ok is he really 29 years old?let me ask him

Luna:umm.....I was thinking about your age-

Jin:why?do I look old? *chuckles* well I am 29 years old if you want I can show you my birth certificate *looks at her*

He turned his face towards me and I gulped I don't know why I looked away and started hoping that we will reach his mansion soon time was passing and I wanted to check my phone but I can't let him doubt on me soon we reached his mansion

I was about to walk outside but he hold my wrist and smiled he walked out of car and opened door for me then he gave ne his hand to come out i was still looking at him I am just his mistress then why he is behaving like that I hold his hand we walked inside his mansion

Jin:so....this is my house it was all silent but ok now when you're here there will be some noise in this house *smile*

Luna:which type of noise you are talking about Master *walks towards him*

Jin:the one you're thinking and also the one I am thinking *looks at her*

Luna:what was you thinking? *raised eyebrow*

Jin:noise of our happiness and what was you thinking *leans towards her face*

Luna:nevermind *looks away*

He grabbed my jaw softly and make me look at him he smiled and said

Jin:I will soon make your thinking true but I guess right now you shoukd rest *pats her cheek softly*

Luna:I am not tired but ok where is my room? *raised eyebrow*

Jin:our room you're staying in my room *calm tone*

Luna:as you say master *smile*

Jin:go upstairs and take left the first room is my room go ahead I am going to police station *calm tone*

I took my purse and walked upstairs I can hear the footsteps going out I walked inside his room and locked it with wasting anytime I take out his shirt from closet and his watch I opened my purse and take out the mini cameras and microphones

I broke the one button of his shirt and sew the microphone with camera in it I turn on my phone and checked the camera ok it's working I opened his watches and attached microphone and camera thank God I learnt these things form Liana

After sometime I was done so put his things back just the way they were there was a relaxation in my face then I checked my phone and saw texts from Liana ahh....she might be worried for me I texted her

--*In The Text*--

Liana:did you reached?

Luna:yes....i did

Liana:work done???

Luna:yes....now I am just waiting for him to come back

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