Han Bridge.18

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Luna Pov

I wore my jeans, high heels and black top my hair was untied and I was walking towards the Han bridge my hands was in my pocket well why it seems like I lost myself after falling in love

I isedto get ready cuz I wanted to get noticed by him......it seems like I really lost my self respect and also the mind ahhh.....nevermind Kim Luna never repeats her mistake I will be old Luna for sure I want my friends beside me

I reached to Han Bridge and as I thought here she is standing near the railing looking deeply in the water I know I make her like that but I will fix it I smiled at myself and stood beside her for sure she noticed my presence

Liana:again wearing so many clothes? *eyes on sea*

Luna:umm.....for you cuz you didn't said it but I know you liked my this type of look *smile*

Liana:so?.... *raised eyebrow*

Luna:so....i changed my look for you *smile*

Liana:ahh....Luna that's the main problem why you have to change yourself for someone??? *annoyed tone*

Luna:what? *raised eyebrow*

Liana:look I know you like wearing short dresses and I am happy in your happiness you don't have to change yourself for me or for anyone *looks at her*

Luna:thanks Liana *looks down*

Liana:you changed yourself very much in these 4 years cuz of him is it a good thing? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:but I love him *soft tone*

Liana:I know and he should also love you the way you are *hold her hand*

Luna:I am sorry Liana I said those words I know that sorry is not enough-

Liana:its more then enough I am happy you realised it also I am your friend Luna I can never get angry from you and Jimin *smile*

Luna:thank you Liana and again I am really sorry *teary eyes*

Liana:don't cry Luna ok?just hug me once *hug her*

Luna:leave all this and tell me what you want as your birthday gift *sniffs*

Liana:will you give me anything? *looks at her*

Luna:obviously Liana I can give anything you want just tell me what you want as uour birthday gift *smile*

Liana:maybe that will be expensive for you but I want that *hold her hand*

Luna:*chuckles* nothing is expensive for me just say it and I will gift it to you

Liana:I want my old Luna back the Luna who have courage to argue with Rexi, the Luna who always do what her mind says, the Luna who was not weak and always do her job with excitement, the Luna who was not crazy in love *teary eyes*

Luna:you think I changed? *raised eyebrow*

Liana:don't you think that you changed in these 4 years?cuz of him you become weak I heard that people get blind in lobe but you get fully handicapped *serious tone*

Luna:buthe loves me and trusts me Liana he don't want me to seduce other man *calm tone*

Liana:and you agreed?Luna you're a leader of criminal gang beside this you're the best seducer every man kneels infront of you and you're giving up your everything for him?I know love is precious but it doesn't mean we have to change ourselves *hold her shoulder*

I don't know what to say she is first time asking something as her gift I don't want to disappoint her beside this am i really changed?maybe she is right from past 4 years I never did any mission excitingly like old days cuz my whe focus was in Yoongi this mission is important it's about my empire

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