Hurted Her.17

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--*Next Morning*--

Luna Pov

I was walking inside the Viba Club straight towards Liana room what's the matter afterall I want to know I saw her checking some files I stood beside her and she looked at me calmly

Liana:how was the date Luna? *smile*

Luna:we can talk about it later now tell me what's the problem *serious tone*

Liana:umm....ok look you have to be calm ok don't take any decision in anger *calm tone*

Luna:just say it Liana I will decide what I have to do *rolls eyes*

She was about to say something but suddenly my eyes falls on entrance I saw Yoongi looking at me with a smile I also smiled looking at him he walked towards me and stood beside me and greeted Liana

Yoongi:good morning Liana *smile*

Liana:what are you doing here?aren't you supposed to pickup the delivery of kidnapped boys from Spain *serious tone*

Yoongi:how do you know? *smile*

Liana:not to mention Jimin tells me everything *serious tone*

Yoongi:hmmm......actually shipment got delayed *chuckles*

Liana:you know the current situation and still so stress free about the shipment how Yoongi *leans towards him*

Yoongi:I know what you was trying to say but doubting me will just waste your time *smile*

He was about to pat her shoulder but she was fast enough to yank his hand ahh.....I still can't understand why she hates skin shipping that much afternoon he is doing this in friendly manner

Liana:you don't have right to touch me you can only touch Kim Luna don't forget that *smile*

Yoongi:obviously I will not Miss.Shin *calm tone* you can go away I have to talk with Luna personally *hold luna wrist*

Yoongi:what's the problem talk infront of me *yanked her hand*

Liana:its confidential and I am only supposed to share it with Luna or else it will be bad *serious tone*

Yoongi:why it seems like from last month you're doubting on everyone you don't even talk to Lisa like before *glared*

Liana:the situation is like that Yoongi and you know me I am a killer so I have to be careful for me and also for Luna and Jimin *smile+walks away*

What's going on?why she talked to him like that Yoongi turned towrads me with a sad face ohh.....obviously he felt bad she shouldn't talked like that to him ahhh......I will see her for sure

Yoongi;sorry I think I should go she don't trust me *sad tone*

Luna:ohh....don't care about her words Yoongi she is a killer for sure she don't have emotions *creased his cheek*

Yoongi;umm....its ok seems like I am also disturbing you-

Luna:no....way you can never disturb me ok?I will talk to her later for now let's go and eat something together *smile*

He smiled and we both walked out of the club towards the nearest cafe to eat something I really spending time with him I just can't understand what's going on with Liana why she is acting like that I rolled my eyes thinking about her


Liana Pov

Ahhhh.....fuck him whenever I was about to tell Luna he always comes and interrupts us mind was literally in fire right now cuz of him I agree he is her boyfriend but beside being his girlfriend Luna is also the leader of a criminal team

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