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Luna Pov

I opened my eyes and looked at Jin he was sleeping peacefully well it was obvious cuz I mixed sleeping pills in his wine I sat on bed beside him and flipped my hair relaxing myself I wore my outfit and take out a cigarette from my bag i grabbed the envelope and walked towards the balcony

I climbed on the railing and sat on it I looked down damn if I will fall from here my soul will also be dead I laughed at my thoughts and lighted the cigarette i looked at the sky while smoking it's probably midnight cuz moon is hidden by clouds i gave you my heart and you tried snatching my dream so bad.....

I don't know how to feel 4 years I loved you without any greed and you started betraying me, you started ruining my friends dreams much courage as I always say I build this empire on many lies, many dead bodies I will never let anyone ruin it.....doesn't matter if it's someone I love

I threw my head back while smiling wow......what you lost today Luna?your love or yourself?Liana always warned me about you but my love for you was very deep and pure Min Yoongi you broke me so badly but ok I am Kim Luna it will take me few days to fix myself but what about you?

I will make sure to give you a very bad death I chuckled and opened the envelope I saw Jimin picture with a letter attached just like that there are Lisa picture,Jennie picture,Liana picture,Hoseok picture and Lia picture wow....I am not in this list why?so you'll able to manipulate me in your love web?I again chuckled at my thoughts

Now look what i do but ok I will be calm like water till Liana birthday cuz I don't want to ruin her birthday cuz of a basterd like you I lighted the lighter and set the envelope on fire I climbed down the railing and walked towards Jin I creased his face softly and felt myself smiling thank you Jin for giving me respect I will never forget how you treated me

I remember Yoongi told me that it will something useless when I told him that i want to know what Liana and Jimin wants to tell me ohh....God now I understand it was useless for him cuz he didn't wanted to get caught I rolled my eyes and kept a letter beside Jin tomorrow I will hand him his transfer letters cuz if Yoongi will get to know about all this he will kill him and

I can't let him die he didn't even knew what was going on tomorrow I will also tell him everything clearly I hope in these few weeks I didn't gave him any type of fake hope I mean I don't love him not even a bit yes I respect him cuz he gave me so much respect and never treated me badly so.......yeah now....I should leave for Viba Club my empire,my pride

I walked out of the Mansion and kept walking towards Viba Club still smoking I don't know what to think I am not weak but knowing that someone close to me betrayed me is making me feel very bad ahh.....the betrayed was infront of my eyes but I never recognized him....I really loved him why he have to do this?

He knew how much I trust him still he did all this he played with me,he played with my emotions I didn't realised when I started crying thinking all this soon I reaches Viba Club I walked inside everyone was asleep expect one I saw Liana sitting on bar counter checking the files of my business I walked towards her and fell on floor near her leg

Liana:Luna what happened? *panicked tone*

Luna:Liana ahh.....I am so bad actually I am so unlucky from whomever i expected love they all just used me *hugs her leg*

Liana:Luna get up and tell me what happened please *hold her hand*

She make me stand up and I sat beside her I can only show my real self infront of Liana and Jimin my eye was not blinking I can't feel my heart beating ahhh.....I want to be strong but I can't it hurts me thinking he betrayed me Liana hugged me and I started crying more in her embrace she was creasing my back after some time I calmed down and we backed off

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