Thumb Fight.3

11 3 0

Jimin Pov

Me and Luna again smirked at eachother and started our thumb fight ohhh.....I remember we always do thumb fight to pass our time we both was very focused in it we didn't realised how time passed suddenly we heard Yoongi hyung voice

Yoongi:what a child *rolls eyes*

Jimin:yaaa....its emotions you'll not understand *pout*

Luna:the main thing is I won Mr.Park *laughs*

Jimin:nevermind don't forget no one can handle your tantrums better then me Miss.Kim *sarcastic tone*

Luna:so?you're not doing a favor ok?it'd your responsibility to handle my tantrums *sassy tone* god let me just touch your feet goddess *dramatic look*

Luna:what will you do by touching my feet *smirk*

Jimin:Luna I swear-

Yoongi:such a slut behavior Luna I really thinks sometime how can you flirt with every male creature without any shame *rolls eyes*

Luna:you're still safe from my trap be happy for that cuz once you'll fall for me I will not let you go *walks towards him*

Yoongi:and what makes you think that I will fall for you *looks at her*

Luna:hmm......I know you love me it's just you hate it when I am with other man's *smirk*

Yoongi: *scoff* huh.....what a lie *rolls eyes*

Luna:hmm....its ok Min Yoongi you know me I will wait for you to confess it *whispered near his lips*

Yoongi:stay away from me *glared*

Luna:really?ok....I hope you'll not regret it *smirk*

Damn.......there chemistry us really something which can't be missed I smirked and looked at Liana she have the same look as mine I wonder when they will confess to eachother

Luna:Jimin I am going now don't forget to meet Jennie in her warehouse also ask this man if he also want to come or not *rolls eyes*

Jimin:ohh....don't worry he will surely come you go *smile*

She walked out of my warehouse with Liana and I looked at hyung who was staring at her I rest my hand on his shoulder and he looked at me

Yoongi:what? *looks at jimin*

Jimin:what? *smirk*

Yoongi:ahhh.......let's just go to Jennie warehouse or Luna will scold you *rolls eyes*

Jimin:don't worry about that you know she never scolds me you also know how close me, Luna and Liana is *smirk*

Yoongi:aghh....whatever do you want to go or I will go back to my work? *raised eyebrow*

Jimin:calm down hyung let's go *smile*

We both walked out if my warehouse towards our car and soon we reached to Jennie warehouse near Port well Seoul is divided in two part we rule 1st part from three corners Me and Luna have equal parts and Jennie have little smaller part but it doesn't matter cuz we 3 are team

I walked inside her warehouse everyone bowed to me i was about to approach her but suddenly she yelled at her man's and damn I shouldn't forget she is the boss of illegal arms dealing seems like she very angry I looked at hyung and he chuckled knowing my thoughts

Jennie:100 times I told you 100 times that make sure no one will get to know about this deal then where the fuck are other 5 guns?? *yelled*

Man:Mam sorry I am 100% sure no one is betrayer from our group *eyes low*

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