His Sister.14

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--*1 Week Later*--

Luna Pov

Today is my and Jimin private performance I am very excited for it hopefully in these one week Liana and Jimin also become good friends now they spend time together we three are very good friends now I am happy for us

I was walking towards the stage to perform with Jimin he was already there waiting for me and seducing the sister of drug lord he hold my hand and pulled me close to him our bodies was totally glued to eachother then he said

Jimin:what's on your mind? *whispered*

Luna:I will do everything which will make him desperate to buy me *smirk*

Jimin:and what's the plan Queen *smirk*

Luna:slow poison Jimin *smirk*

Jimin:ok......baby now look at me I will also make his sister desperate to buy me *smile*

Luna:let's see Mr.Park *wink*

I know this is the only chance I can build the pillars of my empire and I want friend beside me we finished our performance and stood there looking at them oh....what's his name right....Mr.Choi Soobin and his sister Miss.Choi Lana they both brother and sister looked at eachother and she called Jimin to her with finger gesture

Lana:hmm.....give me a shoulder massage babyboy *smirk*

Jimin:my pleasure Mam *whispered seductively*

Ahhh....why the hell is not calling me if he will not select me then how will I execute my plan he was staring at me while smirking and here I am losing my patience finally he called me by finger gesture I smirked slightly and walked towards him

Soobin:come here sit on my lap Luna *smirk*

I seductively sat on his lap and he creased my back ok....few more months and I will be in my throne

--*Next Day*--

Luna Pov

Me and Jimin was standing near the bar counter while both brother and sister is paying a handsome amount of money for us to Rexi we looked at eachother while smirked then he said

Jimin:we both will be in same house let's start our misson Luna *smirk*

Luna:for sure now I will show you the game of manipulation *sassy tone*

Jimin:oh...please I an pro in this game *rolls eyes*

Rexi:ok....Mr and Miss.Choi from now on you both own Park Jimin and Kim Luna *smile*

Soobin:thanks now we will be taking them with us *smile*

Rexi:sure go ahead Sir *backs off*

He walked towards me and hold my waist Lana waked towards Jimin and gave him her hand now that's what we call luck with mind we both smirked at eachother and walked with iur temporary owners

Soon they will be in coffin and we both will be sitting on there thrones with more power and more money I sat in car with Soobin and his hands were kn my thighs well ok you will be busy in my body and I will busy in my plan

--*Flashback End*--

Luna Pov

Jimin:really our past was very intresting *chuckles*

Liana:our friendship was more special *hold there hand*

Luna:I met you both and that was the best thing to happen with me *smile*

Liana:ok...enough past recalling now let's live in present and right now when only we three are here I want to tell you both something *serious tone*

Jimin:wait do you mean by that thing? *raised eyebrow*

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