Club Party.7

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--*Evening Time*--

Jimin Pov

I walked inside the Viba Club followed by hyung and my bodyguards I looked around the club and found every dancers looking at me my smirk grew wider knowing there thoughts I walked towards the VIP section and sat beside Jennie

I stared at her head to toe damn Kim Jennie always looking like a boss I bite my lips and suddenly my eyes diverted towards Luna she was staring at me with a smirk ok....well I can't hide anything from her I smiled back to her and she nodded

Luna:welcome to the Viba Club my pride *proud smirk*

Jimin & Liana:and you're our pride *smile*

Jennie:I agree *smile*

Jimin:where are the girls I sended you today *looked around*

Luna:now they are mine Jimin so keep your filthy eyes and hands away from them *smile*

Jimin:umm....ok...I just thought they want to meet me once *smile*

Luna:no they don't want to meet you *rolls eyes*

Jennie:Jimin how come you able to flirt with every girl in this world like ok do you have any shame *annoyed tone*

Jimin:no.....I don't have shame our shame died 10 years back *looks at luna*

Luna:hmm.....let's not talk about it and yes don't forget we are here cuz we become shameless *looks at jimin*

Liana:I agree *smile*

Lisa:you three are very old friends but how did you three find eachother? *raised eyebrow*

I looked at Luna and Liana and they both was already looking at me our story?it's very intresting I chuckled and they also chuckled

Luna:our story is very intresting and we can talk about it later *smile*

Lisa:but I always feel curious to know how come you both build that much big empire *sips cola*

Jimin:we wanted our name in everyone's mouth and for that we have to do something big and we did it *hold luna hand*

Lisa:what about you Liana why didn't you build your own empire? *looks at her*

Liana:I wanted to be with Luna and I was also not intrested in all this so I just supported both of them *smile*

Jimin;oh...yes...before Yoongi hyung joined me 4 years back Liana used to handle my business *smile*

Jennie:I see and what about you Yoongi?how you entered in this Dark world *raised eyebrow*

I saw he was creasing his wine glass suddenly he smiled and then looked at me well what's his past?

Yoongi:I was in trip with my family in Jeju Island I was 4 years old but I was captured by a human trafficking gang *calm tone*

Lisa:and then? *raised eyebrow*

Yoongi:they beated me and told me to be silenced they sold me to a mafia in China I grow up there and secretly studied the mafia used me as a drug supplier when I get 10 years old he told me to be his bodyguard but I wanted freedom so-

Luna:so what?tell me it's very intresting *excitedly*

Yoongi:*chuckles* so....I killed him and ran away to Thailand I make my place there but after sometime I get bored and came back to Korea and then I joined Jimin in his work and now here I am *sips wine*

Luna:why you never tried to found your parents? *looks at him*

Yoongi:I wanted to but my mind didn't allowed me for that I didn't wanted to create a tsunami in there life also I was happy so.... *looks at her*

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