Police Station.26

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--*Next Day*--

Jin Pov

I woke up and saw her sleeping peacefully I smiled and slowly walked towards the bathroom to do my morning after sometime I came out of washroom and saw her humming a song I walked towards her and backhugged her

Jin:good morning Princess *whispered*

Luna:how many times I have to tell you that I am not your princess *rolls eyes*

Jin:aww.....don't be like that by the way what are you doing? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:o was taking out clothes and watch for you I hope you'll wear whatever I will choose for you *smile*

Jin:for sure whatever you'll choose I will wear it *pecked her forehead*

Saying this I walked towards the mirror and started combing my hair and applying some cream on my face after sometime I walked back to my wardrobe and saw clothes are already outside

I smiled and wore it then i wore the watch she choosed for me I was done also I will get late I will do breakfast later but no.....i have to check if she has eaten or not thinking this i walked downstairs and saw her at dining table

Luna:Jin.....come on let's do breakfast *smile*

Jin:oh...no need Luna I am getting late and I have to reach police station *looks at watch*

Luna:but just a little bit Jin *pout*

Jin:ohhh....Princess I am really getting late but ok can't make you sad *chuckles*

I walked towards the dining table and ate a strawberry from her plate I also feed her one strawberry she smiled at me I patted her cheek and said

Jin:I am going Luna I have so many work I will try to come early tonight *smile*

Luna:sure i will wait for you Master *whispered*

Jin:don't be like that Luna or I will surely take you to room again *looks deeply at her*

Luna:I am not complaining *side eyeing him*

Jin:ok we will talk about it tonight now bye i have to go *pecked her forehead*

I walked out of mansion and closed my eyes fuck I can feel my cheeks getting red ahhh....Kim Luna what are you doing to me I chuckled at myself and sat on my car soon

I reached police station and Mingyu was already ready with so many files ahh....its ok Kim Seokjin you can do it I rolled my eyes at myself and started working


Yoongi Pov

Ahh.....I have to ruin Seoul underworld and for that I have to break the four pillars Min Lia the dealer of rare artifacts and paintings, Park Jimin king of hunan trafficking, Kim Jennie dealer of illegal arms and at last Kim Luna queen of drug dealing

Once I will ruin there business they will become beggar and if I want Luna as my wife and want to rule Seoul in my own then these things are important I never wanted to rule Seoul but when

I saw that how much Seoul matters for Luna how much she is connected with Seoul then I decided that I will rule it ohh....Luna it might feel weird but I everything which is connected to you I never thought you'll become that important for me

I rested myself in the arm chair and closed my eyes where are you Luna?it's been 2 days you didn't texted me nor came to meet me where are you well.....only one people will know about it and it's Shin Liana ahh.....once I will ruin the four pillars my next target will be Shin Liana

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