Love You.8

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Luna Pov

I was continuously looking at him and Layla he was also staring at me and time to time creasing Layla bare thighs huh.....he is trying to make me jealous and not gonna lie it's working

But I am Kim Luna the games he is plating right now I already played many times I smirked internally let's see Min Yoongi how this game ends I know you'll never fuck a bar dancer but what if I will make your situation like that?

Let's see.....everyone was busy in talking except us well this is the right time I will walk to bar counter and tell bartender to make a special drink for him I smirked thinking about my planning huh.....he thinks I am that easy to get jealous let me show you

Jimin:ahhh.....Luna why party is seem boring i want to dance *pout*

Luna:then go ahead and do the pole dance *laughs*

Jimin:huh.....its been 5 years I didn't did it maybe I forget how to do it *looks at luna*

Luna:really?I don't think so but I feel same about myself we shoukd do it some day *sips wine*

Jennie:woah....what you both was pole dancers *amazed* day we both will surely tell you all about our past *laughs*

Jennie:ohhh.....I will surely wait for that day *smile*

Luna:guys excuse me I will be right back *smile*

I walked towards the bar counter and ordered a wine and viagra the bartender was looking at me confusingly but I don't care I am the owner so let me do it I perfectly mixed viagra in high quantity and said

Luna:serve drinks to everyone but make sure to gibe this glass to Yoongi ok? *glared*

Bartender:umm....ok Mam as you say *bows*

I smirked and walked back to my VIP area I sat infront of him and he smirked slightly keep smirking Min Yoongi you don't know what's coming for you I sipped my wine and here is the bartender

Bartender:drinks for you Sir and Mam *bows*

He specially gave that glass to Yoongi and he also took it cuz his eyes were on me well.....another example that a women can divert any man gaze I sipped my wine again and he also sipped his wine the real game starts

Jennie:well Jimin, Liana, Lisa ans Luna let's go to dance floor and dance *excitedly*

Liana:nice idea *smile* all go I am not feeling well so I will stay here *smile*

Liana:what happened?I will also stay with you *concern tone* need Liana go or else Lisa will feel lonely *smile*

Liana:you sure? *raised eyebrow*

Luna:obviously *smile*

She nodded and they all walked towards the dance floor enjoying there time Yoongi again smirked and looked at Layla

Yoongi:Layla you should also ho now I am done *creased her body*

Layla:are you sure *seductively*

Yoongi:yes I am sure *glared*

She walked away towards the stage what the fuck now how will my plan work feels like he is reading my mind I rolled my eyes annoyingly he shifted beside me and I looked at him

Yoongi;so....why are you not dancing Luna *hands on her shoulder*

Luna:don't touch me *yanked his hand*

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