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--*Next Evening*--

Liana Pov

She was very happy from.the morning that's why I didn't able to tell her about the problem we are facing but I will surley tell her tomorrow ohhh.....God why it always happened with us

Right now we both are sitting at the bar counter waiting for Jimin, Jennie, Lisa and Yoongi well he will come here to take her with him ahh....he is making my Luna very weak by his love I want my tough Luna back

And for that they have to break up but guess what I also want to see her happy I know how much she suffered so....ok if she is happy then I will also tolerate this a little I sipped my cola and heard the footsteps from behind I turned and saw my friends

Jimin:hello......Luna *hugs her*

Luna:yaaa.....don't stick with me *pushed him lightly*

Jimin:whatever listen we are here to discuss about the problem *serious tone*

Luna:ahh....what problem? *amazed*

Jimin & Jennie:wait what? *looks at liana*

Liana:guys tomorrow *gritting teeth*

Luna:wait what problem tell me Liana *serious tone*

Yoongi;oh-ohh...da-darling you just came yesterday and again getting drown in work enjoy some moment with me *pout+pulled her by her waist*

Luna:Yoongi tonight will be ours and please not here look our friends are here *blushed*

Jennie:wow....blushy blushy *teasing tone*

Luna:shut up *rolls eyes*

Jimin:that's call mood swing and I am well aware of it *calm tone*

Yoongi:so....let's go for our date I am excited *smile*

Luna:yeah.....sure *smile*

I was smiling looking at them but after realising that it's Luna I rolled my eyes I mean I always sawher tough side I never thought she will act like that I looked at Jimin and he glared at me ok.....I have to tell Luna but I will tomorrow

I again looked at them he was holding her waist and they both was about to walk outside but suddenly my eyes fall on the entrance and I saw her sister in law.....what the fuck why I am acting and thinking like that I saw Lia and Hoseok walking towards them

Lia:long time no see Luna *smile*

Hoseok:wow.....hands on her waist what's going on?? *looks at yoongi*

Luna:why are you both here? *annoyed tone*

Lia:probably to annoy you I guess *looks at hoseok*

Hoseok:facts but also to ask something *looks at lia*

Jimin:i can't believe he is the illegitimate son of Mafia king *whispered to liana*

Liana:ehhh......I don't know for me he is just my enemy that's it *looks at jimin*

Hoseok:hello....Liana *wink*

Liana:hello small size *smirk*

Hoseok:umm....hmm...your these words will force me to think something further with you *smirk*

Luna:you're standing at my club and have courage to talk like that to my friend *glared*

Hoseok:cool down I am just talking I am not doing anything right? *licks his lip*

Lia:ok enough Hoseok *rolls eyes*

Yoongi:what you both wants to say? *raised eyebrow*

Hoseok:I will not say my boss will say *dramatic bow*

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